philiplambok.github.io Public
Philip Lambok Slice Of Life v2.0
node-course-2 Public
The Complete Node.js Developer Course (2nd Edition) Udemy Course Learning Repo
try-db-encrypt Public
Learning implementation of data encryption
play-ruby-kafka Public
Use kafka in Ruby with Phobos.
crud-vue-rails Public
Modern frontend rails talk related work.
hackernews-clone Public
Experimental project to implement clean and high quality ruby code.
Project (learning purpose) to implement the workflow object concept.
authenticator-service-object Public
Sample project to implement service object that handle authentication.
ayano-payment Public
Cute Payment Made Easy (just for learning purpose)
ayano Public
Learning how to use jwt json token.
rails-api-template Public
Rails api-only template.
docked Public
Forked from rails/dockedRunning Rails from Docker for easy start to development
cola Public
Experiment project for building highly reliable finance application.
experiments Public
Some experiments feature written in Rails 7 and Hotwire things.
anya Public
Webhooks or callbacks forwarder management app that build with Rails and Hotwire.
xendit_api Public
Forked from mekari-engineering/xendit_apiRuby API wrapper for Xendit payment gateway
factory_bot Public
Forked from thoughtbot/factory_botA library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.
midtrans_api_ruby Public
Forked from mekari-engineering/midtrans_api_rubymidtrans api wrapper for ruby
nocode Public
Forked from kelseyhightower/nocodeThe best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
hotwire-chat-example Public
Sample chat app is written with hotwire-rails. https://philiplambok.github.io/rails,/hotwire/2021/06/13/mencoba-sihir-baru-hotwire.html