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kerrishotts edited this page Nov 14, 2012 · 1 revision

(part of PKUI.CORE)

Return Type: void

Parameters: none

Pops the topmost view off the stack, and animates (if possible) to the next topmost view and sets that view to be visible and current. If the view handling method is set to the column method, PKUI.CORE.popColumnView is called for the right-most view instead.

If either the view being hidden or shown has lifecycle events defined, those are called.




  • This method will check to see if there are sufficient views on the stack prior to popping anything. If there aren't, nothing happens.
  • To hide the last view on the stack, use PKUI.CORE.hideView.
  • If the view handling method is set to the column method, PKUI.CORE.popColumnView will be used instead.
  • If PKUI.CORE.animate is false, no animation will occur.
  • If PKUI.CORE.useTransforms is false, the animation will not use 3D Transforms.
  • Since this method doesn't allow you to specify the specific view to hide, it can be very easy to corrupt the view stack if you don't follow the push/pops correctly.


0.1 Introduced

0.2 Column handling added, Docs Valid

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