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kerrishotts edited this page Apr 4, 2013 · 1 revision

(part of UI)

Returns: image object

Parameters: origin (string), color1 (color), color1position (string), color2 (color), color2position (string)

Returns a gradient image. The gradient is a simple gradient with a starting and ending color.

origin is a CSS origin for the gradient. This can be "top", "top left", "bottom right", etc.

color1/color1position is the first color and position, while color2/color2position is the second color and position.


var anImage = UI.makeSimpleLinearGradientImage ( "top", UI.COLOR.blueColor(), "0%",
                                                        UI.COLOR.redColor(), "100%" );
// anImage will now be a vertical gradient starting from blue and ending on
// red. Can be used anywhere an image is used.


0.3 Introduced; Docs Valid

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