See the project website for the paper, materials, and more:
Teaching robots how to use camera images to detect labeled and novel risks. ILoSA is a framework that defines models regarding safety instruments used by robotic execution systems to evaluate safety metrics and potentionally provide ways to recover from risky situations.
The learning process consists of two steps:
- Kinesthetic demonstration - in which the human leads the robot through the desired motion,
- Risk observed & labeling - in which the human can stop the robot with a button which at the same time saves risky labels that are used in learning to improve risk estimation model during next skill execution.
ILeSiA has shown to be effective detecting different challenging risks, such as door opened, holding peg, peg in a hole, as well as observed user hands or unknown objects. Proper risk recognition requires a single demonstration of risk you want to detect.
Install dependencies:
pip install torch gpytorch
- model training
pip install opencv-python scikit-video scikit-learn scikit-image
- image & data processing
pip install pandas matplotlib seaborn
- plotting & saving
custom confusion_matrix_pretty_print (install: pip install .
inside downloaded repo)
sudo apt-get install python-rospkg
- trajectory root folder search.
cd <your_ws> # initialize ROS workspace
git clone # needs realtime kernel installed
git clone # (optional to use franka buttons)
git clone
git clone
git clone
catkin build
source <your_ws>/devel/setup.bash
Install as ROS1 noetic package.
If package is not found, install with pip: cd video_safety_layer; pip install .
Or use collection demonstration data for Robothon box Setup by downloading: cd <your_ws>/src; git clone --branch ra_tests
- Record new demonstration
roslaunch skills_manager record_skill.launch name_skill:=super_skill
- Train video embeddings
rosrun video_embedding --video super_skill
- Optionally view the reconstructed video
rosrun risk_estimation --video super_skill
- Interactivelly catch some risks
roslaunch skills_manager interactive_skill_risk_trainer.launch localize_box:=true name_skill:=super_skill risk_policy:=ContinueRiskPolicy
- Executes given skill
- Choose
: What to do when risk detected:ContinueRiskPolicy
: Do nothing, continueAbortRiskPolicy
: Stops the skillWaitForFeedbackRiskPolicy
: Waits for the user to give labels (r
- risk ort
- safe)RecoveryRiskPolicy
: Finds recovery policy - experimental
- Updates the
model - You can label with franka buttons (or keyboard)
- Saves the trajectory
Session can be downloaded from:
trajectories to src/trajectory_data/trajectory/
trajectories to src/video_safety_layer/video_embedding/saved_models/
trajectories to src/video_safety_layer/video_embedding/saved_models/
Uncut video: 00137.MTS
- Unlock robot & enable FCI
- Panda controller
source <your_ws>/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch franka_impedance_controller cartesian_variable_impedance_controller.launch robot_ip:=<panda ip> load_gripper:=True
- Enable use of franka button (optional)
source <your_ws>/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch franka_buttons read_buttons.launch robot_ip:=<panda ip> username:=<panda (desk)> password:=<panda (desk)>
- Robothon box localizer
source <your_ws>/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch object_localization box_localization.launch template:=demo404
- Main console:
source <your_ws>/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch skills_manager home.launch # move robot to home position
roslaunch skills_manager interactive_skill_risk_trainer.launch localize_box:=true name_skill:=peg_pick404 session:=manipulation_demo404_augment_12_session risk_policy:=ContinueRiskPolicy # or pick peg manually
roslaunch skills_manager interactive_skill_risk_trainer.launch localize_box:=true name_skill:=peg_door404 session:=manipulation_demo404_augment_12_session risk_policy:=RecoveryRiskPolicy # test risk estimator with this command
Evaluate risk estimation model:
roslaunch skills_manager realtime_complient_risk_monitor.launch localize_box:=true name_skill:=super_skill
- Loads given skill
- Updates the
model - You can move the robot (complient) and see the risk prediction
- Press number
to move to 0% - 100% of skill's phase
If you're not happy with the labelling, label manually
rosrun risk_estimation --video super_skill
Run risk benchmarks:
rosrun risk_estimation
Examine benchmarks in your browser (localhost:8000
) by running http.server
python3 -m http.server --directory <your_ws>/src/video_safety_layer/risk_estimation/autogen/
Manual train and evaluate labelled demonstration data of given skill with:
rosrun risk_estimation --skill_name super_skill
Examine all dataset images
python3 --video super_skill
Out-of-distribution check for Distance Risk Estimator:
python3 --video peg_door_trial_0 --video_test peg_door_trial_1