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Migration guide v2.0.0

Florian Dupuy edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

Migrating to Java 11

Starting from this release, powsybl-single-line-diagram should be used with Java 11. Please note that the compilation with Java 8 may now crash or not work correctly. If you are using powsybl-single-line-diagram dependencies in your project, stay on the last release (1.9.0) or migrate to Java 11 to use the latest release.

Migrate powsybl-core version to v4.0.0

In this release, powsybl-core version has been updated from version 3.8.0 to 4.0.0. This does not create any migration issue with powsybl-line-diagram, but if you are also using powsybl-core directly, please refer to powsybl-core migration guide to fix any issue due to that migration.

CSS changes

In this release the CSS class names have changed for voltage levels / topological coloring, to enable dealing with base voltage ranges: the sld-vlXXX CSS classes are replaced by sld-vlXXXtoYYY. This allows to narrow down the number of CSS classes used. These styles are defined through a BaseVoltageStyle which is needed when constructing a NominalVoltageDiagramStyleProvider or a TopologicalStyleProvider. This BaseVoltageStyle can be defined by a base-voltages.yml file, very similarly to what it used to be with BaseVoltageColor (used before v1.9.0).