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Migration guide v2.5.0

Florian Dupuy edited this page Nov 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

Migrate powsybl-core version to v4.5.0

In this release, powsybl-core version has been updated from version 4.4.0 to 4.5.0. From this release of powsybl-single-line-diagram, com.powsybl.sld.styles.BaseVoltageStyle class has been replaced by com.powsybl.commons.config.BaseVoltagesConfig of powsybl-commons artifact. Aside this, no other migration issue should affect you on powsybl-line-diagram. Nonetheless, if you are also using powsybl-core directly, please refer to powsybl-core migration guide to fix any issue due to that migration.

Providers for ElectricalNodesInfo

The DiagramStyleProvider::getElectricalNodesInfos method has been moved to DiagramLabelProvider interface. The DiagramStyleProvider is still used to get the styles for a given bus id (which corresponds to an ElectricalNodeInfo) through the added List<String> getBusStyles(String busId, VoltageLevelGraph graph).

InitialValue replaced by a list of FeederInfo

The InitialValue used until this release to give the information displayed on the two feeder arrows is replaced by a list of FeederInfo. Hence, DiagramLabelProvider::getInitialValue is replaced by DiagramLabelProvider::getFeederInfos, which returns a list of FeederInfo(that is, of annotated arrows). The arrows are displayed in the list order. Some changes related to these annotated arrows have also been made in this release:

  • The arrow is not displayed if its direction is unknown, but the annotations (labels) on its left and right are still displayed,
  • The enum Direction.UP (resp. Direction.DOWN) has been renamed to Direction.OUT (resp. Direction.IN) to avoid confusion for arrows in bottom cells,
  • FeederInfo id is now based on feeder node id instead of wire id.