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Alessandro Pasotti edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 12 revisions

If you would like to discuss topics on our QHackFriday (Kwakfriday), please add sections below for each discussion along with proposed time and agenda.

QGIS AMA (Ask Me Anything)!!!

Stream leader: Tim Sutton, Marco Bernasocchi

Video link:

Time: 30 October 2020 10h00 WET, duration 2 hours.


In this session we will answer any random QGIS questions! If you need us to work with a sample dataset please make sure to package it up nicely so we can test with it. Marco Bernasocchi is the QGIS project chair and has many years of experience using and developing QGIS. If there is something you are struggling with and you are not sure if it is a bug or 'just you', this is the occasion to ask! Any questions relating to using QGIS and the QGIS project in general are welcome!

How to submit a question:

What's new in QGIS Server

Stream leader: Alessandro Pasotti

Video link

Time: 30 October 2020 13h00 WET, duration 1 hour.


  • The landing page
  • OGC API for Features (aka: WFS3)
  • Standalone development server

Please add more virtual meetup initiatives below!

Event promotion message:

Dear Users of our beloved QGIS Project

Friday, 30 October 2020 is KwakFriday! What is 'KwakFriday' you may be wondering to yourself? It is an initiative to replace the wonderful community meetups we used to hold every six months when times were different. Like our in-person meetings, the event is organised on a principle of self-organisation and community participation.


  1. AMA With Marco Bernasocchi

Marco Bernasocchi (QGIS Project Chair) and I will be hosting a 2 hour AMA (ask me anything) session. The session will be recorded so if you can't watch live, you can still feel free to submit your QGIS brain teasers and burning questions for Marco to answer (use this form to quickly share a question:

  1. QGIS Server Updates with Alessandro Pasotti

Alessandro will be showing off all the fantastic new features in QGIS Server especially the new server landing page, OGC API for Features (aka: WFS3) support and the standalone development server.

  1. More may still be announced

See where to watch below for the link to the wiki page with session times etc., additional sessions on the day may be announced there.

Where to watch

Please see the event wiki page at for all the details of times and links for watching.

Get Involved!

You can do this too! We really encourage others to follow our initiative, using the above wiki page to organise your plans (just add a section below our AMA one). You can host virtual meetups in the Jitsi room, plan your next steps to take QGIS further down the road to world domination and much much more. We encourage language and region specific huddles, documentation improvement sessions, bug fixing, making beautiful maps, and working together to do amazing things with QGIS.

Participants are kindly reminded to please read and observe our QGIS Code of Conduct and Diversity Statement to make these events a great experience for everyone!

We look forward to seeing you there!

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