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Raffaello Bonghi edited this page Nov 1, 2021 · 8 revisions

When you switch on your nanosaur, the ROS2 communication appears summarized like the picture below.

The joystick block (optional) node appears if you plug a joystick on the NVIDIA Jetson.



Nanosaur has many nodes to drive and show the status of the robot. Below all nodes are arranged by package.

📦 nanosaur_base

  • nanosaur_base enable the motor controller and the displays
  • joy2eyes convert a joystick message to an eyes topic. This node is useful when you want to test the eyes topic.

📦 nanosaur_camera

  • nanosaur_camera run the camera streamer from the MIPI camera to a ros2 topic

📦 ros2_jetson_stats

  • jetson_stats is the wrapper of the jetson-stats package to monitor and control your NVIDIA Jetson [Xavier NX, Jetson AGX Xavier, Nano, TX1, or TX2].

A detailed overview from all nodes nanosaur block is described in the picture below: nanosaur node graph