Simulation of a real time system that learns to drive a car on track, via rudimental lidar beams, using reinforcement learning and pthread library. This application has been created for educational purpose only as a project for an university exam.
The main idea behind this project is to simulate a car having a lidar sensor in order to "sense" the track margins, driven by an intelligent agent. The sensor has 3 beams with an angle of 45 degrees between each of them and detects the track margins via pixels color analysis.
The agent uses a simple implementation of Epsilon-greedy Q-Learning algorithm in order to learn to drive the car on track. There are two learning modes:
- only steering: the agent learns the steering input while the velocity is set constant
- steering + acceleration: the agent needs to learn both steering and acceleration
The second learning mode is implemented using two quality functions (Q and Q_vel) in order to be able to train the agent for two different control inputs.
- big negative reward when crash occures
- small negative reward for being alive
- reward based on the distance driven on track
- reward based on the steering variance
- negative reward for bad acceleration input (negative when car's velocity is 0)
The application can be executed in 2 different modalities:
This mode simulates a real time system with multiple tasks.
The executed tasks are:
- display_task: handles the graphics
- agent_task: updates car model and handles the agent controls
- sensors_task: updates sensors readings
- comms_task: handles the keyboard inputs
In this mode all the previous tasks are executed as one task which name is learning_task.
- libs/ptask: rudimental library for a multi task application using pthread and access to shared resources via mutex semaphors
- libs/qlearn: implementation of qlearn algorithm
- libs/tlib: rudimental library for time handling
- src: main application files
- scripts: contains a python script used to analyze the learning algorithm
- q_matrix.txt/q_vel_matrix.txt: contains examples of trained Q matrix
- simple script to execute the application
- project_report_italian.pdf: report in italian language containing more informations about the project.
This is a library used to handle the graphics of the application. More information can be found here. In order to install the library on ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install liballegro4.2 liballegro4.2-dev
The script requires numpy
and matplotlib