This program uses MAVlink and OpenCV libraries for receiving data and video from a Quadrotor equiped with ardupilot and camera/video-transmitter. Also capture local GPS readings.
This program uses MAVlink and OpenCV libraries for receiving data and video from a Quadrotor equiped with ardupilot and camera/video-transmitter. Also capture local GPS readings.
The program rely on the following libraries for compiling:
mavlink c library
Set the correct port of telemetry (Drone) in mavlink_control.cpp. (APM Planner 2)
DataCapture uses the gpsd daemon for monitoring the messages of the GPS attached to USB port. So check that Messages are correctly been received from gpds:
If gpds seem to be not working propertly: -- Restart gpds ---------------------------------------------
sudo pkill gpsd
sudo dpkg-reconfigure gpsd
sudo systemctl stop gpsd.socket
sudo systemctl disable gpsd.socket
If gpsd not negotiate the right baud rate, do the following: sudo stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 38400 gpsd /dev/ttyUSB0
check gps messages
gpspipe -r gpspipe -w
Installar librerias para uso de gpsd:
sudo apt-get install libgps-dev
codigo ejemplo:
CodeBlocks issue: Run in terminal but not in codeblocks "ld_library_path error"
In Project -> Project build options -> Search directories -> Linker
Select "Use project options only" in Policy
github project link: