This repository contains the ROS packages associated with flying a multirotor on the ROSflight autopilot stack. The roscopter
ROS package contains a high-level multirotor autopilot while the roscopter_sim
package is used for simulation.
Clone this repo, the ROSflight_plugins repo, and the ROSflight repo into catkin_ws/src
, you can run the Gazebo simulator with
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch roscopter_sim multirotor.launch
This simulation does not simulate the firmware and does not require a joystick. It has the same API as the SIL stack, and can be useful for developing high-level algorithms, however it makes some simplifying assumptions in the dynamics which reduces the fidelity of the simulation.
To run the rosflight
SIL simulation information with the full roscopter stack, clone the ROSflight repo, connect a joystick or transmitter and run
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch roscopter copter_sil..launch
The EKF estimates the position of the multirotor given GPS and IMU measurements.
- residual saturation and outlier rejection
- Altimeter Fusion
- Currently, the estimator doesn't work properly if it is compiled in Release mode.
A PID controller is used.
Velocity manager and commander.