Simple project to get started with ROS:
- Contains a beginner level tutorial as a ROS package to establish communication between 2 ROS nodes
- Employs rosservice feature to change the broadcated message between the nodes
- Uses TF frames, roslaunch, and rostest capabilities
- Developed over 4 weeks:
- The first week was only to get started with listener-talker nodes.
- In the second week, rosservice, roslaunch, and rqt_graph features were added.
- The third week was to use rosbag and rostest features.
- The last week was to get continuous integration included in the repo using Travis CI.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- ROS Kinetic
- This project was developed using ROS Kinetic.
- It is highly recommended that ROS Kinetic is properly installed on your system before the use of this project.
- Follow the instructions on this link to install full-desktop version of ROS Kinetic.
- Check the version of ROS to ensure successful installation.
rosversion roscpp
- It should output:
- Create your ROS workspace by following instructions on this link.
- Switch to your src sub-directory of your ROS workspace to clone this repository.
<ROS Workspace>/src
- Run the following commands to clone and build this project:
git clone --recursive
cd ..
- In the same terminal, run:
- Open a new terminal, switch to the ROS workspace, and run both the nodes using the roslaunch:
cd <ROS Workspace>
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch beginner_tutorials service.launch rate:=<frequency(Hz) in integer> enableRosBag:=false
- For example:
roslaunch beginner_tutorials service.launch rate:=2 enableRosBag:=false
- Open another new terminal, switch to the ROS workspace, and run service to change the publishing message:
cd <ROS Workspace>
source devel/setup.bash
rosservice call modifyMessageService <integer>
- The message-manipulator service takes an integer as an input if the number is even message is concatenated twice otherwise it is concatenated thrice.
- For example:
rosservice call modifyMessageService 5
- In a new terminal, switch to the ROS workspace, and run these commands to view TF frames, tree, and transform:
cd <ROS Workspace>
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun tf view_frames
evince frames.pdf
rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree
rosrun tf tf_echo world talk
- The last command will keep publishing the transform of the talk frame with respect to the world frame.
- Press Ctrl+C to stop running the command.
- The output of each of the above commands is included in the result sub-directory. A list of files in the folder is given below in the Documents section.
- You can either generate a new ROS bag file or play the rosbag file included in the result directory.
- To generate a new bag file, launch all the ros nodes. (You can skip this step if you just want to play the previously generated bag file)
roslaunch beginner_tutorials service.launch rate:=<frequency(Hz) in integer> enableRosBag:=true
- For example:
roslaunch beginner_tutorials service.launch rate:=2 enableRosBag:=true
- The bag file would have been replaced with new data.
- To play the ROS bag file, terminate the talker and listener nodes, and run:
rosrun beginner_tutorials listener
- In a new terminal, and switch to the result sub-directory in the project directory: (Make sure roscore is running)
cd <ROS Workspace>/src/beginner_tutorials/result
rosbag play recordTalker.bag
- All the messages stored in the bag file will be published on the listener node.
- You can also verify the bag file by running: (Stop the execution of last command before proceeding any further by using Ctrl+C)
rosbag info recordTalker.bag
- Make sure all the ROS nodes have been terminated, including ROS master, and close all the terminal windows.
- In a new terminal, switch to the ROS workspace, and build the tests:
cd <ROS Workspace>
source devel/setup.bash
catkin_make run_tests_beginner_tutorials
- The above command will also run the tests after building them.
- After build, the following command can also be used to run all the test cases:
rostest beginner_tutorials modifyMessageTest.launch
- You should be able to see the successful execution of 2 test cases.
- A screenshot of the execution of the test cases is included in the result directory.
- These are located in the result sub-directory:
- Cpplint - cpplint_output.txt
- Cppcheck - cppcheck_output.txt
- RQT Console - rqt_console_output.png
- TF Frame Output- frames.pdf
- RosBag - recordTalker.bag
- Rosbag Play - rosbag_play.png
- RQT Tree - rqt_tree.png
- RQT TF Echo - rqt_tf_echo.png
- Rostest Output - rostest_output.png