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HyPhy - Hypothesis testing using Phylogenies

HyPhy is an open-source software package for the analysis of genetic sequences using techniques in phylogenetics, molecular evolution, and machine learning. It features a complete graphical user interface (GUI) and a rich scripting language for limitless customization of analyses. Additionally, HyPhy features support for parallel computing environments (via message passing interface (MPI)) and it can be compiled as a shared library and called from other programming environments such as Python and R. HyPhy is the computational backbone powering Additional information is available at

Quick Start


conda install -c bioconda hyphy

Run with Command Line Arguments

hyphy <method_name> --alignment <path_to_alignment_file> <additional_method_specific_arguments>

  • <method_name> is the name of the analysis you wish to run (can be: absrel, bgm, busted, fade, fel, fubar, gard, meme, relax or slac)
  • <path_to_alignment_file> is the relative or absolute path to a fasta, nexus or phylib file containing an alignment and tree
  • A list of the available <additional_method_specific_arguments> can be seen by running hyphy <method_name> --help


Run in Interactive Mode

hyphy -i

Building from Source


  • cmake >= 3.12
  • gcc >= 4.9
  • libcurl
  • libpthread
  • openmp (can be installed on mac via brew install libomp)


You can download a specific release here or clone this repo with

git clone

Change your directory to the downloaded/cloned directory

cd hyphy


cmake .

make install

Additional Options for Building from Source

Build Systems

If you prefer to use other build systems, such as Xcode, configure using the -G switch

cmake -G Xcode .

CMake supports a number of build system generators, feel free to peruse these and use them if you wish.

If you are on an OS X platform, you can specify which OS X SDK to use

cmake -DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/ .

If building on a heterogeneous cluster with some nodes that do not support auto-vectorization

cmake -DNOAVX=ON ..

If you're on a UNIX-compatible system, and you're comfortable with GNU make, then run make with one of the following build targets:

  • MP or hyphy - build a HyPhy executable (This used to be "HYPHYMP" but is now just "hyphy") using pthreads to do multiprocessing
  • MPI or HYPHYMPI - build a HyPhy executable (HYPHYMPI) using openMPI to do multiprocessing
  • LIB - build a HyPhy library (libhyphy_mp) using pthreads to do multiprocessing
  • GTEST - build HyPhy's gtest testing executable (HYPHYGTEST)

Example (MPI build of hyphy using openMPI)

Ensure that you have openmpi installed and available on your path. You can check if this is the case after running cmake . you should see something similar to this in your output

-- Found MPI_C: /opt/scyld/openmpi/1.6.3/gnu/lib/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/

-- Found MPI_CXX: /opt/scyld/openmpi/1.6.3/gnu/lib/;/opt/scyld/openmpi/1.6.3/gnu/lib/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/

Then run


And then run make install to install the software

make install

  • hyphy will be installed at /location/of/choice/bin
  • libhyphy_mp.(so/dylib/dll) will be installed at /location/of/choice/lib
  • HyPhy's standard library of batchfiles will go into /location/of/choice/lib/hyphy


Use make test after running cmake ..

Benchmarks for CMake Tests

Benchmarks, using Github Actions, can be found at

Executable Location

By default, HyPhy installs into /usr/local but it can be installed on any location of your system by providing an installation prefix

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/location/of/choice

For example, this configuration will install hyphy at /opt/hyphy

mkdir -p /opt/hyphy

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/hyphy .

Building Documentation

make docs
cd docs
python3 -m http.server

CLI notes

As noted in the documentation here hyphy can be run as a command line tool. Indeed for many analyses the hyphy CLI will return useful help messages, showing which parameter values can be set to specify your analysis. For example, running hyphy gard --help

hyphy gard --help 

Available analysis command line options
Use --option VALUE syntax to invoke
If a [reqired] option is not provided on the command line, the analysis will prompt for its value
[conditionally required] options may or not be required based on the values of other options

	The type of data to perform screening on
	default value: nucleotide

	Genetic code to use (for codon alignments)
	default value: Universal
	applies to: Choose Genetic Code

alignment [required]
	Sequence alignment to screen for recombination

	The substitution model to use
	default value: JTT

	Site to site rate variation
	default value: None

	Maximum number of breakpoints to consider
	default value: 10000

	How many site rate classes to use
	default value: 4

	Write the resulting JSON to this file (default is to save to the same path as the alignment file + 'GARD.json')
	default value: gard.defaultJsonFilePath [computed at run time]

	Run mode (Normal or Faster)
	default value: Normal

	Write the best fitting HyPhy analysis snapshot to (default is to save to the same path as the alignment file + 'best-gard')
	default value: gard.defaultFitFilePath [computed at run time]

will show you the options that can be set for the gard analysis. So for instance one could specify a gard run on the command line with the following command

hyphy gard --alignment /path/to/file --rv GDD --mode Faster --rate-classes 3

While this is a useful feature, it is not always the case that older analyses will have the same level of support for command line. For instance, the acd analysis does not have CLI support and so if one runs the help command

hyphy acd --help 

Available analysis command line options
Use --option VALUE syntax to invoke
If a [reqired] option is not provided on the command line, the analysis will prompt for its value
[conditionally required] options may or not be required based on the values of other options

No annotated keyword arguments are available for this analysis

one will see that there are no options available. In this case, you can use a different CLI specification. Indeed the CLI will accept all of the options that are asked for in an interactive session, as positional arguments. In this case I could run the acd analysis with

hyphy acd Universal <alignment.fa> MG94CUSTOMCF3X4 Global 012345 <treefile> Estimate

where the options are specified in the exact order that they are asked for in the interactive session. This will work for all hyphy analyses and provides a less readable but more flexible way to run hyphy analyses.