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Illustrates how to initialize the volume anatomy and class file from a freesurfer directory. Uses the sample freesurfer data set ernie
Dependencies: Freesurfer Remote Data Toolbox
- Download freesurfer ernie directory - Create t1 anatomy and t1 class files from freesurfer - Visualize the two images
Tested 07/20/2016 - MATLAB r2015a, Mac OS 10.11.6
See also: t_initVistaSession
Winawer lab (NYU)
% Check whether freesurfer paths exist fssubjectsdir = getenv('SUBJECTS_DIR'); if isempty(fssubjectsdir) error('Freesurfer paths not found. Cannot proceed.') end% Get ernie freesufer1 directory and install it in freesurfer subjects dir % If we find the directory, do not bother unzipping again forceOverwrite = false;
% Do it dataDir = mrtInstallSampleData('anatomy/freesurfer', 'ernie', ... fssubjectsdir, forceOverwrite);
fprintf('Freesurfer directory for ernie installed here:\n %s\n', dataDir)
Data directory /Volumes/server/Freesurfer_subjects/ernie already exists. Skipping unzip. Freesurfer directory for ernie installed here: /Volumes/server/Freesurfer_subjects/ernie
Store current directory
curdir = pwd();% This is the path where we will set up the vista session erniePathTemp = fullfile(vistaRootPath, 'local', 'scratch', 'erniePRF'); mkdir(erniePathTemp);
% Navigate cd(erniePathTemp)
% Create t1 anatomy and class file mkdir 3DAnatomy; outfile = fullfile('3DAnatomy', 't1_class.nii.gz'); fillWithCSF = true; alignTo = 'orig.mgz'; fs_ribbon2itk('ernie', outfile, fillWithCSF, alignTo);
% Check that you created a t1 class file (ribbon) and t1 anatomy ls 3DAnatomy
% The command window should show: % t1.nii.gz t1_class.nii.gz
Warning: Directory already exists. Warning: Directory already exists. mri_convert -rt nearest /Volumes/server/Freesurfer_subjects/ernie/mri/orig.mgz 3DAnatomy/t1.nii.gz $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $ reading from /Volumes/server/Freesurfer_subjects/ernie/mri/orig.mgz... TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00 i_ras = (-1, 0, 0) j_ras = (0, 0, -1) k_ras = (0, 1, 0) writing to 3DAnatomy/t1.nii.gz... mri_convert --reslice_like 3DAnatomy/t1.nii.gz -rt nearest /Volumes/server/Freesurfer_subjects/ernie/mri/ribbon.mgz 3DAnatomy/t1_class.nii.gz $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:16 mreuter Exp $ reading from /Volumes/server/Freesurfer_subjects/ernie/mri/ribbon.mgz... TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00 i_ras = (-1, 0, 0) j_ras = (0, 0, -1) k_ras = (0, 1, 0) reading template info from volume 3DAnatomy/t1.nii.gz... writing to 3DAnatomy/t1_class.nii.gz...
Converting voxels....
Number of L Gray voxels = 268982 Number of L White voxels = 299585 Number of R White voxels = 302175 Number of R Gray voxels = 274456 t1.nii.gz t1_class.nii.gz
% Show the volume anatomy, segmentation, and anatomy masked by segmentation ni = niftiRead(fullfile('3DAnatomy', 't1.nii.gz')); t1 = niftiGet(ni, 'data'); ni = niftiRead(fullfile('3DAnatomy', 't1_class.nii.gz')); cl = niftiGet(ni, 'data');fH = figure('Color','w');
subplot(1,3,1) imagesc(t1(:,:,128), [0 255]); colormap gray; axis image title('Volume anatomy')
subplot(1,3,2) imagesc(cl(:,:,128), [1 6]); axis image title('Class file')
subplot(1,3,3) mask = cl(:,:,128) > 1; imagesc(t1(:,:,128) .* uint8(mask)); axis image title('Masked anatomy')
%% t_initAnatomyFromFreesurfer % % Illustrates how to initialize the volume anatomy and class file from a % freesurfer directory. Uses the sample freesurfer data set % % Dependencies: % Freesurfer % Remote Data Toolbox % % Summary % % - Download freesurfer ernie directory % - Create t1 anatomy and t1 class files from freesurfer % - Visualize the two images % % Tested 07/20/2016 - MATLAB r2015a, Mac OS 10.11.6 % % See also: t_initVistaSession % % Winawer lab (NYU)
%% Download ernie freesurfer directory
% Check whether freesurfer paths exist fssubjectsdir = getenv('SUBJECTS_DIR'); if isempty(fssubjectsdir) error('Freesurfer paths not found. Cannot proceed.') end
% Get ernie freesufer1 directory and install it in freesurfer subjects dir % If we find the directory, do not bother unzipping again forceOverwrite = false;
% Do it dataDir = mrtInstallSampleData('anatomy/freesurfer', 'ernie', ... fssubjectsdir, forceOverwrite);
fprintf('Freesurfer directory for ernie installed here:\n %s\n', dataDir)
%% Create t1 anatomy and t1 class files from freesurfer % Store current directory curdir = pwd();
% This is the path where we will set up the vista session erniePathTemp = fullfile(vistaRootPath, 'local', 'scratch', 'erniePRF'); mkdir(erniePathTemp);
% Navigate cd(erniePathTemp)
% Create t1 anatomy and class file mkdir 3DAnatomy; outfile = fullfile('3DAnatomy', 't1_class.nii.gz'); fillWithCSF = true; alignTo = 'orig.mgz'; fs_ribbon2itk('ernie', outfile, fillWithCSF, alignTo);
% Check that you created a t1 class file (ribbon) and t1 anatomy ls 3DAnatomy
% The command window should show: % t1.nii.gz t1_class.nii.gz
%% Visualize
% Show the volume anatomy, segmentation, and anatomy masked by segmentation ni = niftiRead(fullfile('3DAnatomy', 't1.nii.gz')); t1 = niftiGet(ni, 'data'); ni = niftiRead(fullfile('3DAnatomy', 't1_class.nii.gz')); cl = niftiGet(ni, 'data');
fH = figure('Color','w');
subplot(1,3,1) imagesc(t1(:,:,128), [0 255]); colormap gray; axis image title('Volume anatomy')
subplot(1,3,2) imagesc(cl(:,:,128), [1 6]); axis image title('Class file')
subplot(1,3,3) mask = cl(:,:,128) > 1; imagesc(t1(:,:,128) .* uint8(mask)); axis image title('Masked anatomy')
%% Clean up cd(curdir)
- Vistasoft
- Getting Started
- mrVista Overview
- Anatomy
- Functional MRI
- mrVista
- Retinotopy tutorial
- Population RF methods also prf Model, prf_tutorial, prf tutorial
- Diffusion weighted MRI
- Visualization
- Tractography
- Tutorials
- Software overview