This document outlines the steps involved in converting an OpenStreetMap (OSM) file into a Unity 3D model compatible with AWSIM and Autoware. Demonstrations have been provided below for each part. This playlist also contains all the demonstrations.
Download OSM File: Demonstration
- Obtain the desired OSM file from OpenStreetMap.
Convert OSM to OBJ: Demonstration
- Utilize OSM2World to convert the OSM file into an OBJ format.
- Export the OBJ folder containing part_obj_textures, materials.mtl, and part0000.obj.
Import OBJ mesh file into CloudCompare and Generate PCD: Demonstration
- Use CloudCompare to import the OBJ mesh file along with its associated files.
- Ensure all files are stored in the same directory.
- In Cloud Compare, select the mesh in the DB Tree, then Edit > Mesh > Sample Points and click OK.
- Save the sampled file as a .pcd file.
Adjust View Angle & Convert Format: Demonstration
If there are view angle issues, apply the following commands for a top-down view:
pcl_transform_point_cloud original_point_cloud_input.pcd preliminary_rotation_result.pcd -axisangle 1,0,0,-1.5708 pcl_transform_point_cloud preliminary_rotation_result.pcd transformed_top_down_view.pcd -axisangle 1,0,0,3.1416
Convert the .pcd file from ASCII to binary using:
pcl_convert_pcd_ascii_binary transformed_top_down_view.pcd final_output.pcd 1
Create Lanelets: Demonstration
- Import the .pcd file into Vector Map Builder.
- Specify the MGRS of the map.
- Create lanelets and other required elements.
Import Files to Autoware: Demonstration
*Note: is a work in progress. More detailed documentation will be added soon.*