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06. Commands

Jörn Berkefeld edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 1 revision

If you installed mcdev globally as described above you can run mcdev in any directory. See our install Accenture SFMC DevTools chapter for more details.

Example (global install):

mcdev retrieve

If you installed Accenture SFMC DevTools as a local dependency (not recommended) to the current directory then you will have to add npx in front of each command. See our Local install chapter for more details.

Example (local install):

npx mcdev retrieve

The following description will assume a global installation for simplicity reasons.

Note: Parameters listed below in between square brackets = [...] are optional parameters. Required parameters are listed in between less-than / greater-than signs = <...>.

Note: Credentials and Business Unit names can always be selected interactively. Try inputting a question mark = ? in their place if more parameters follow, or omit them completely if no other parameters are required for a command.