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Navigating GLM outputs

Matt Hipsey edited this page Sep 13, 2022 · 6 revisions

Users rely on a diversity of platforms and approaches for interacting with and visualising GLM output. The user community has developed a range of scripting and plotting tools. This page provides information to get started understanding GLM outputs.

Output file options include:

  • Daily integrated lake information : lake.CSV
  • Depth specific information : depth_specific.CSV
  • Lake outlet/overflow information : outlet.CSV
  • All model output variables : NetCDF

The pages linked to below contain specific information on each output file type:

User rely on various platforms to process these outputs. Plotting options include:

  • In-built plotting: Depth-profile contours are built into the distributed model binary, configured via plots.nml
  • Excel: Plot essential time-series of model outputs from the generated csv files
  • R: Create high-quality model outputs using the GLMr tools for NetCDF plotting or general tidyverse for csv plotting
  • MATLAB: Create high-quality model outputs using the GLMm scripts

See the tutorials page for further information on processing these outputs.


  1. Introduction
  2. Publications

Getting started

  1. Downloading
  2. Running the model
  3. glm.nml configuration file
  4. Tutorials & examples
  5. Navigating GLM outputs

Advanced use

  1. Command line options
  2. Restarting a simulation
  3. Customising the WQ setup
  4. Adding a new example lake
  5. Using GLM in R

Developer guide

  1. Downloading the code
  2. Compiling the code
  3. Updating existing submodule state
  4. Adding new submodules
  5. Using GLM as a linked library


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