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Matt Hipsey edited this page Sep 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

For technical details of the model, refer to the main 2019 GMD paper that describes the model design.

Selected papers, reports and theses applying the model are referred to in the below list, but note this list is infrequently updated.

A list of published studies are also available via GLM's Google Scholar profile, which should include more recent papers.

A parameterization strategy for hydrodynamic modelling of a cascade of poorly monitored reservoirs in Brazil. Soares, L.M.V., do Carmo Calijuri, M., das Graças Silva, T.F., de Moraes Novo, E.M.L., Cairo, C.T. and Barbosa, C.C.F., 2020. Environmental Modelling & Software, 134, 104803. Download

Macrosystems EDDIE teaching modules significantly increase ecology students' proficiency and confidence working with ecosystem models and use of systems thinking. Carey, C.C., Farrell, K.J., Hounshell, A.G. and O'Connell, K., 2020. Ecology and Evolution. Download

A near‐term iterative forecasting system successfully predicts reservoir hydrodynamics and partitions uncertainty in real time. Thomas, R.Q., Figueiredo, R.J., Daneshmand, V., Bookout, B.J., Puckett, L.K. and Carey, C.C., 2020. Water Resources Research. Download

Combined effects of early snowmelt and climate warming on mountain lake temperatures and fish energetics. Christianson, K.R. and Johnson, B.M., 2020. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 52(1), 130-145. Download

Compound effects of water clarity, inflow, wind and climate warming on mountain lake thermal regimes. Christianson, K.R., Johnson, B.M. and Hooten, M.B., 2020. Aquatic Sciences, 82(1), 6. Download

Lake thermal structure drives inter-annual variability in summer anoxia dynamics in a eutrophic lake over 37 years. Ladwig, R., Hanson, P.C., Dugan, H.A., Carey, C.C., Zhang, Y., Shu, L., Duffy, C.J. and Cobourn, K.M., 2020. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. Download

Reconstructing Six Decades of Surface Temperatures at a Shallow Lake. Zhang, X., Wang, K., Frassl, M.A. and Boehrer, B., 2020. Water, 12(2), 405. Download

Coupling Natural and Human Models in the Context of a Lake Ecosystem: Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, USA. Weng, W., Boyle, K.J., Farrell, K.J., Carey, C.C., Cobourn, K.M., Dugan, H.A., Hanson, P.C., Ward, N.K. and Weathers, K.C., 2020. Ecological Economics, 169, 106556. Download

Differential responses of maximum versus median chlorophyll‐a to air temperature and nutrient loads in an oligotrophic lake over 31 years. Ward, N.K., Steele, B.G., Weathers, K.C., Cottingham, K.L., Ewing, H.A., Hanson, P.C. and Carey, C.C., 2020. Water Resources Research, 56(7), e2020WR027296. Download

Ensemble Modeling of the Impact of Climate Warming and Increased Frequency of Extreme Climatic Events on the Thermal Characteristics of a Sub-Tropical Lake. Gal, G., Yael, G., Noam, S., Moshe, E. and Schlabing, D., 2020. Water, 12(7), 1982. Download

Ecosystem-scale nutrient cycling responses to increasing air temperatures vary with lake trophic state. Farrell, K.J., Ward, N.K., Krinos, A.I., Hanson, P.C., Daneshmand, V., Figueiredo, R.J. and Carey, C.C., 2020. Ecological Modelling, 430, 109134. Download

glmGUI v1.0: an R-based Graphical User Interface and toolbox for GLM (General Lake Model) simulations. Bueche, T., Wenk, M., Poschlod, B., Giadrossich, F., Pirastru, M., and Vetter, M., 2020. Geoscientific Model Devlopment, 13, 565-580. Download

A General Lake Model (GLM 3.0) for linking with high-frequency sensor data from the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON). Hipsey, M. R., Bruce, L. C., Boon, C., Busch, B., Carey, C. C., Hamilton, D. P., Hanson, P. C., Read, J. S., de Sousa, E., Weber, M., and Winslow, L. A., 2019. Geoscientific Model Devlopment, 12: 473-523. Download

Evaluation of Low-Cost, Automated Lake Ice Thickness Measurements. Reed, D.E., Desai, A.R., Whitaker, E.C. and Nuckles, H., 2019. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 36(4), 527-534.Download

Ensemble modelling of ice cover for a reservoir affected by pumped‐storage operation and climate change. Kobler, UG, Schmid. M, 2019. Hydrological Processes. Download

Variable withdrawal elevations as a management tool to counter the effects of climate warming in Germany’s largest drinking water reservoir. Mi, C., Sadeghian, A., Lindenschmidt, K.E. and Rinke, K., 2019. Environmental Sciences Europe, 31: 19. Download

Applicability of a one-dimensional coupled ecological-hydrodynamic numerical model to future projections in a very deep large lake (Lake Maggiore, Northern Italy/Southern Switzerland). Fenocchi, A., Rogora, M., Morabito, G., Marchetto, A., Sibilla, S. and Dresti, C., 2019. Ecological Modelling, 392: 38-51. Download

A multi-lake comparative analysis of the General Lake Model (GLM): Stress-testing across a global observatory network. Bruce, L.C., Frassl, M.A., Arhonditsis, G.B., Gal, G., Hamilton, D.P., Hanson, P.C., Hetherington, A.L., Melack, J.M., Read, J.S., Rinke, K. and Rigosi, A. et al., 2018. Environmental Modelling & Software, 102: 274-291. Download

Forecasting the evolution in the mixing regime of a deep subalpine lake under climate change scenarios through numerical modelling (Lake Maggiore, Northern Italy/Southern Switzerland). Fenocchi, A., Rogora, M., Sibilla, S., Ciampittiello, M. and Dresti, C., 2018. Climate Dynamics,, 51(9-10):3521-3536. Download

The Warming of Large Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence From a Lake Model Simulation of Nam Co, China, During 1979–2012. Huang, L., Wang, J., Zhu, L., Ju, J., & Daut, G., 2017. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 13,095–13,107. 2017JD027379 Download

Relevance of inflows on the thermodynamic structure and on the modeling of a deep subalpine lake (Lake Maggiore, Northern Italy/Southern Switzerland). Fenocchi, A., Rogora, M., Sibilla, S. and Dresti, C., 2017. Limnologica, 63: 42-56. Download

Using the General Lake Model (GLM) to simulate water temperatures and ice cover of a medium-sized lake: a case study of Lake Ammersee, Germany. Bueche, T., Hamilton, D.P. and Vetter, M., 2017.Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(13): 461. Download

Meteorological drivers of hypolimnetic anoxia in a eutrophic, north temperate lake. Snortheim CA, PC Hanson, KD McMahon, JS Read, CC Carey, HA Dugan. 2017. Ecological Modelling. 343: 39-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.10.014. Download

Optimizing withdrawal from drinking water reservoirs to reduce downstream temperature pollution and reservoir hypoxia. Weber, M., Rinke, K., Hipsey, M.R. and Boehrer, B., 2017. Journal of Environmental Management, 197, pp.96-105. Download

Climate‐induced warming of lakes can be either amplified or suppressed by trends in water clarity. Rose, K.C., Winslow, L.A., Read, J.S. and Hansen, G.J., 2016.Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 1: 44-53. Download

The General Lake Model (GLM) In Obrador, B., Jones, I.D. and Jennings, E. (Eds.) NETLAKE toolbox for the analysis of high-frequency data from lakes (Factsheet 3). Frassl, M., Weber, M. and Bruce, L. 2016. Technical report. NETLAKE COST Action ES1201. pp. 11-15. Download

Development of an agreed set of climate projections for South Australia, Task 4: Development of an application test bed. Reservoir management models Van der Linden, L. & M. D. Burch. 2016. Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series No. 16/3, Adelaide, South Australia Download

Simulation Modeling of Lakes in Undergraduate and Graduate Classrooms Increases Comprehension of Climate Change Concepts and Experience with Computational Tools. Cayelan C. Carey, Rebekka Darner Gougis. 2016. Journal of Science Education and Technology doi:10.1007/s10956-016-9644-2. Download

Generating community-built tools for data sharing and analysis in environmental networks. Read, J.S, Gries, C., Read, E.K., Klug, J., Hanson, P., Hipsey, M.R., Jennings, E., O’Reilly, C., Winslow, L.A., Pierson, D., McBride, C., Hamilton, D. 2016. Inland Waters 6: 637-644. Download


Simulating 2368 temperate lakes reveals weak coherence in stratification phenology. Read, J., Hansen, G, Van Den Hoek, J, Hanson, P.,Bruce, L.C., Markfort, C.D., 2014. Ecological Modelling, 291: 142-150. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.07.029 Download

Comparing ice and temperature simulations by four dynamic lake models in Harp Lake: past performance and future predictions. Yao, H., N.R. Samal, K.D. Joehnk, X.Fang, L.C. Bruce, D.C. Pierson, J.A. Rusak, A. James. 2014. Hydrological Processes, 28: 4587–4601. Download


  1. Introduction
  2. Publications

Getting started

  1. Downloading
  2. Running the model
  3. glm.nml configuration file
  4. Tutorials & examples
  5. Navigating GLM outputs

Advanced use

  1. Command line options
  2. Restarting a simulation
  3. Customising the WQ setup
  4. Adding a new example lake
  5. Using GLM in R

Developer guide

  1. Downloading the code
  2. Compiling the code
  3. Updating existing submodule state
  4. Adding new submodules
  5. Using GLM as a linked library


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