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Matt Hipsey edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 2 revisions


The file lake.csv records a daily summary of lake water and heat fluxes, plus other relevant metrics. The columns in the lake.csv file are outlined below:

Column details:

var Volume m3 Total lake volume
var Vol Snow m3 Total snow volume
var Vol Blue Ice m3 Total blue-ice volume
var Vol White Ice m3 Total white-ice volume
var Tot Inflow Vol m3/day Total Inflow volume
var Tot Outflow Vol m3/day Total Outflow volume
var Overflow Vol m3/day Overflow volume
var Evaporation m3/day Evaporation volume
var Rain m3/day Rain volume
var Local Runoff m3/day Local runoff volume
var Snowfall m3/day Snowfall volume
var Lake Level m Lake surface height
var Surface Area m2 Lake surface area
var Blue Ice Thickness m Blue-ice layer thickness
var Snow Thickness m Snow layer thickness
var Snow Density kg/m3 Snow layer mean density
var White Ice Thickness m White-ice layer thickness
var Albedo - Lake surface albedo (daily mean)
var Max Temp celsius Maximum temperature within lake
var Min Temp celsius Minimum temperature within lake
var Surface Temp celsius Surface temperature
var Daily Qsw W/m2 Daily mean shortwave radiation
var Daily Qe W/m2 Daily mean latent heat flux (evaporation)
var Daily Qh W/m2 Daily mean sensible heat flux
var Daily Qlw W/m2 Daily mean longwave radiation flux (net)
var Light unknown Light
var Benthic Light unknown Benthic Light
var Surface Wave Height m Surface Wave Height
var Surface Wave Length m Surface Wave Length
var Surface Wave Period s Surface Wave Period
var Lake Number unknown Lake Number
var Max dT/dz C/m Max difference in temp between two layers
var CD - Coefficient of wind momentum flux (drag)
var CHE - Coefficient of wind scalar flux (H and E)
var z_L - M-O atmospheric stability length-scale


  1. Introduction
  2. Publications

Getting started

  1. Downloading
  2. Running the model
  3. glm.nml configuration file
  4. Tutorials & examples
  5. Navigating GLM outputs

Advanced use

  1. Command line options
  2. Restarting a simulation
  3. Customising the WQ setup
  4. Adding a new example lake
  5. Using GLM in R

Developer guide

  1. Downloading the code
  2. Compiling the code
  3. Updating existing submodule state
  4. Adding new submodules
  5. Using GLM as a linked library


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