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Robert Bossy edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 1 revision



Writes the corpus in relp format.


org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.RelpWriter writes the corpus into outFilet in relp format.



Type: TargetStream

File where to write the dependencies.


Type: String

Feature containing the linkage number to which a dependency belongs.

Default value: label

Type: String

Feature containing the dependency label.

Default value: dependencies

Type: String

Name of the dependecy relation.

Default value: properties:@:form()

Type: Expression

Expression evaluated as a string with the dependency dependent element as context. The result is the surface form of the dependent.

Default value: dependent

Type: String

Name of the role of the dependent word.

Default value: true

Type: Expression

Only process document that satisfy this filter.

Default value: properties:@:form()

Type: Expression

Expression evaluated as a string with the dependency head element as context. The result is the surface form of the head.

Default value: head

Type: String

Name of the role of the head word.

Default value: properties:@:lemma()

Type: Expression

Expression evaluated as a string with the word element as context. The result is the lemma of the word.

Default value: properties:@:id()

Type: Expression

Expression evaluated as a string with the document as context. The result is the identifier of the document.

Default value: boolean:and(true, boolean:and(nav:layer:sentences(), nav:layer:words()))

Type: Expression

Process only sections that satisfy this filter.

Default value: sentences

Type: String

Name of the layer containing sentence annotations.

Default value: sentence

Type: String

Name of the role of the parsed sentence in the dependency relation.

Default value: properties:@:form()

Type: Expression

Expression evaluated as a string with the word element as context. The result is the surface form of the word.

Default value: words

Type: String

Name of the layer containing word annotations.

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