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Robert Bossy edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 1 revision



Deprecated alias for AlvisAEReader.

This module is obsolete, superceded by org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader




Type: Integer

Identifier of the AlvisAE campaign to import.


Type: String

User password for JDBC connection.


Type: String

PostgreSQL schema.


Type: String

PostgreSQL database URL.


Type: String

PostgreSQL user name.


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each annotation created by this module


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each document created by this module


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each relation created by this module


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each section created by this module


Type: Mapping

Constant features to add to each tuple created by this module


Type: String[]]

If set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports only documents whose description is included in the value. If not set, then org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports all documents.


Type: String[]]

If set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports only documents whose external id is included in the value. If not set, then org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports all documents.


Type: Integer[]]

If set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports only documents whose external id is included in the value. If not set, then org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports all documents.


Type: String

Name of the feature where to store the name task where the annotation belongs.


Type: Integer

If set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports only annotation sets of tasks whose id is included in the value. If this parameter and taskName are not set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports annotations of all tasks.


Type: String

Feature where to store the task identifier from which the annotation was imported.


Type: String

If set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports only annotation sets of tasks whose name is included in the value. If this parameter and taskId are not set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports annotations of all tasks.


Type: String

Name of the feature where to store the name of the AlvisAE user that created the annotation.


Type: String

Feature where to store the user identifier from which the annotation was imported.


Type: Integer[]]

If set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports only annotation sets created by an user whose id is included in the value. If this parameter and userNames are not set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports annotations of all users.


Type: String[]]

If set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports only annotation sets created by an user included in the value. If this parameter and userIds are not set, org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports annotations of all users.

Default value: false

Type: Boolean

Either to automatically adjudicate identical source annotations, implies loadDependencies.

Default value: id

Type: String

Name of the feature where to store AlvisAE identifier of the annotation.

Default value: annotation-set

Type: String

Name of the feature where to store the identifier of the annotation set to which belongs the annotation.

Default value: created

Type: String

Feature containing the annotation creation date.

Default value: description

Type: String

Feature containing the document description.

Default value: external-id

Type: String

Feature containing the document external id.

Default value: frag

Type: String

For tuples that represent text-bound annotations, prefix of the role of fragment arguments.

Default value: type

Type: String

In annotations that represent text-bound fragments, name of the feature where to store the type of the annotation.

Default value: alvisae

Type: String

Name of the layer where to store text-bound annotation fragments.

Default value: true

Type: Boolean

If true, then org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports the head annotation set. If false, then org.bibliome.alvisnlp.modules.alvisae.AlvisAEReader2 imports the annotation set with version 1.

Default value: html

Type: String

Name of the layer where to store annotations that represent HTML tags.

Default value: tag

Type: String

Feature where to store HTML tag name for annotations imported from the HTML annotation set.

Default value: item

Type: String

Prefix of the roles of arguments that represent group items.

Default value: kind

Type: String

Name of the relation feature containing the annotation kind (values are: text-bound, group, or relation).

Default value: false

Type: Boolean

Either to load dependencies if the annotation set task is a review.

Default value: true

Type: Boolean

Either to import group annotations.

Default value: true

Type: Boolean

Either to import relation annotations.

Default value: true

Type: Boolean

Either to import text-bound annotations.

Default value: false

Type: Boolean

Support database model for AlvisAE v0.3.

Default value: referent

Type: String

Name of the feature where to store back-reference of sources.

Default value: alvisae

Type: String

Name of the unique section created in each document.

Default value: source

Type: String

Prefix for the roles for source annotations, will only be used if loadDependencies is true.

Default value: type

Type: String

Feature that contains the type of the annotation.

Default value: unmatched

Type: String

Feature where to store the AlvisAE identifiers of unmatched annotations (for review annotation sets).

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