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API Events
- Musician.Events.Frame
- Musician.Events.RegistryReady
- Musician.Events.CommChannelUpdate
- Musician.Events.CommSendAction
- Musician.Events.CommSendActionComplete
- Musician.Events.SongPlay
- Musician.Events.SongStop
- Musician.Events.GlobalMute
- Musician.Events.SongChunk
- Musician.Events.StreamStart
- Musician.Events.StreamStop
- Musician.Events.SongCursor
- Musician.Events.SongInstrumentChange
- Musician.Events.SongTransposeChange
- Musician.Events.SongMutedChange
- Musician.Events.SongSoloChange
- Musician.Events.SongAudibleChange
- Musician.Events.SongAccentChange
- Musician.Events.SongCropFromChange
- Musician.Events.SongCropToChange
- Musician.Events.NoteOn
- Musician.Events.NoteOff
- Musician.Events.VisualNoteOn
- Musician.Events.VisualNoteOff
- Musician.Events.LiveNoteOn
- Musician.Events.LiveNoteOff
- Musician.Events.LiveModeChange
- Musician.Events.NoteDropped
- Musician.Events.PreloadingProgress
- Musician.Events.PreloadingComplete
- Musician.Events.QuickPreloadingComplete
- Musician.Events.SongImportStart
- Musician.Events.SongImportProgress
- Musician.Events.SongImportComplete
- Musician.Events.SongImportSuccessful
- Musician.Events.SongImportFailed
- Musician.Events.SongExportStart
- Musician.Events.SongExportProgress
- Musician.Events.SongExportComplete
- Musician.Events.SourceSongLoaded
- Musician.Events.PromoEmote
- Musician.Events.Bandwidth
- Musician.Events.BandPlay
- Musician.Events.BandStop
- Musician.Events.BandPlayReady
- Musician.Events.BandReadyPlayersUpdated
- Musician.Events.LiveBandSync
- Musician.Events.SongReceiveStart
- Musician.Events.SongReceiveProgress
- Musician.Events.SongReceiveComplete
- Musician.Events.SongReceiveCanceled
- Musician.Events.SongReceiveSuccessful
- Musician.Events.SongReceiveFailed
- Musician.Events.SongLink
Fired at every screen refresh. OnUpdate functions can be attached to this event without needing to create a new frame.
- elapsed (number) Time in seconds since last frame
Fired when the player registry is ready to use.
Fired when the status of the communication channel has changed
- isConnected (boolean) True when connected to the channel
Fired when a communication action has been initiated
- action (string) Action name, from Musician.Comm.action
Fired when a communication action has been completed
- action (string) Action name, from Musician.Comm.action
Fired when a song starts playing
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when a song stops playing
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when the global mute state has changed
- isMuted (boolean)
Fired when a song chunk has been received
- sender (string) Player name
- mode (number) Song mode (Musician.Song.MODE_DURATION or Musician.Song.MODE_LIVE)
- songId (number)
- chunkDuration (number) in seconds
- playtimeLeft (number) in seconds
- posY (number) Player world position Y
- posX (number) Player world position X
- posZ (number) Player world position Z
- instanceID (number) Player instance ID
- guid (string) Player GUID
Fired when a song starts streaming
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when a song stops streaming
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when the song cursor position has changed
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when the instrument of a song track has changed
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- midiId (number) MIDI id of the instrument
Fired when the transposition of a song track has changed
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- semitones (number) Transposition level, in semitones
Fired when the muted flag of a song track has changed
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- isMuted (boolean) Muted flag
Fired when the solo flag of a song track has changed
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- isSolo (boolean) Solo flag
Fired when the audible flag of a song track has changed
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- isAudible (boolean) Audible flag
Fired when the accent flag of a song track has changed
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- isAccent (boolean) Accent flag
Fired when the song crop from point has changed
- song (Musician.Song)
- cropFrom (number) Crop from point
Fired when the song crop to point has changed
- song (Musician.Song)
- cropTo (number) Crop to point
Fired when a song note starts playing and is audible
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- key (number) MIDI key of the note
Fired when a song note stops playing
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- key (number) MIDI key of the note
Fired when a song note starts playing, even when it's not audible (track muted, note dropped due to low polyphony etc.)
Used for visual feedback
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- key (number) MIDI key of the note
- play (boolean) true when the note is audible
Fired when a song note stops playing, even when it was not audible (track muted, note dropped due to low polyphony etc.)
Used for visual feedback
- song (Musician.Song)
- track (table) Track object of the song
- key (number) MIDI key of the note
Fired when a live note on event is being sent in live mode
- key (number) MIDI key of the note
- layer (number) Keyboard layer from Musician.KEYBOARD_LAYER
- instrumentData (table) Instrument data from Musician.INSTRUMENTS
- isChordNote (boolean) true when note is a power chord
- source (table) UI component triggering the note
Fired when a live note off event is being sent in live mode
- key (number) MIDI key of the note
- layer (number) Keyboard layer from Musician.KEYBOARD_LAYER
- isChordNote (boolean) true when note is a power chord
- source (table) UI component triggering the note
Fired when the live mode state is changed, by user's action or any other event that affects the live mode.
Fired when one or more note have been dropped due to a lack of polyphony during one frame while playing
- song (Musician.Song)
- totalDrops (number) Total dropped notes since the song has been created
- drops (number) Number of notes dropped during the same frame
Fired when the preloading process is making progress
- progress (number) Progression between 0 and 1
Fired when the preloading process is complete and all samples are now in disk cache
Fired when the quick preloading process is complete and the loading screen has been dismissed
Fired when the song importing process is starting
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when the song importing process is making progress
- song (Musician.Song)
- progress (number) Progression between 0 and 1
Fired when the song importing process is complete, regardless if it failed or not
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when the song importing process is complete successfully
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when the song importing process failed
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when the song exporting process is starting
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when the song exporting process is making progress
- song (Musician.Song)
- progress (number) Progression between 0 and 1
Fired when the song exporting process is complete, regardless if it failed or not
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when the source song Musician.sourceSong has been successfully loaded
- song (Musician.Song)
Fired when a "promo" emote has been received and filtered in the chat
- isPromoEmoteSuccessful (boolean) true if the music can be heard
- msg (string)
- fullPlayerName (string)
- ... (string) Other arguments provided by ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter() (languageName, channelName...)
Fired when bandwidth limit indicator has changed while streaming a song
- bandwidth (number) Equals to 0 when < Musician.BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_MIN and > 1 when exceeding Musician.BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_MAX
Fired when a player of the party or raid starts playing a song as a band
- sender (string) Player name
- songCrc32 (number) The song CRC32 that will play
Fired when a player of the party or raid stops playing a song as a band
- sender (string) Player name
- songCrc32 (number) The song CRC32 that will be stopped
Fired when a player of the party or raid is ready (or no longer ready) for band play
- player (string) Player name
- songCrc32 (number) The song CRC32 the player has loaded
- isReady (boolean) Player is ready when true
- eventPrefix (string) Message prefix from Musician.Comm.event
Fired every time the list of players ready for band play should be updated
Fired when a player of the party or raid is synchronized (or no longer synchronized) for band play in live mode
- player (string) Player name
- isSynced (boolean)
Fired when the song reception process is starting
- sender (string)
- context (table) Reference to the module that initiated the song request. (optional)
Fired when the song reception process is making progress
- sender (string)
- progress (number) Progression between 0 and 1
- context (table) Reference to the module that initiated the song request. (optional)
Fired when the song reception process is complete, regardless if it failed or not
- sender (string)
- context (table) Reference to the module that initiated the song request. (optional)
Fired when the song reception process has been canceled
- sender (string)
- context (table) Reference to the module that initiated the song request. (optional)
Fired when the song reception process is complete successfully
- sender (string)
- songData (string)
- song (Musician.Song) (optional)
- context (table) Reference to the module that initiated the song request. (optional)
Fired when the song reception process failed
- sender (string)
- reason (string)
- title (string)
- context (table) Reference to the module that initiated the song request. (optional)
Fired when the user clicks on a song link
- title (string)
- playerName (string)
Table of contents
- User guide (FR)
- Optional modules
- What the FAQ
- Tips and Tricks
- Music producer guide
- Localization
- Technical design
- API documentation
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