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Upgrading ScanImage

Rob Campbell edited this page Jun 7, 2019 · 4 revisions

Upgrading ScanImage

Starting the new version

  • Quit ScanImage
  • Unpack ScanImage into a new directory. For example, your current install may be at C:\MATLAB\SI_R50 and you unpack the new version in C:\MATLAB\SI_R51
  • Copy your machine data file into the new directory. Usually you can just use the same file.
  • Rename your old install directory to something else (e.g. C:\MATLAB\SI_R50_OLD).
  • Make a backup copy of this old install somewhere else (e.g. a remote server) in case you need to revert to it.
  • Add the new ScanImage directory to your MATLAB path. Remove the old one. Start ScanImage.

Copy the settings

If you are using USR and CFG files to store customisations, you will add these now. I assume you are keeping these in your ScanImage directories.

  • Copy all of the to the config files from your last install to the new directory.
  • Load your .usr file (ignore any errors) then press save.
  • Load the .cfg you normally use then press save (ignore any errors). Then save the .usr file so the .cfg will be loaded along with it.
  • Repeat loading and saving for any other files or file combinations you have.
  • Close ScanImage and re-open it, selecting a .usr file to load at startup if applicable. ScanImage should now parse the config files without errors

Copy the resonant/galvo calibration curve

If you are using a resonant scanner you likely have used the hSI.hScan2D.plotFov2VoltageCurve tool to ensure you are getting square images. This information will not have been ported over by the above steps. To port it over, do the following:

  • Close ScanImage
  • Copy the ConfigData\YourScannerName_ResScanner_classData.mat file from the old install to the new install.
  • Re-start scanimage. There should be no errors, if there are please file a BakingTray support issue.
  • Run hSI.hScan2D.plotFov2VoltageCurve and you should see your old voltage curve.
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