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jhaack edited this page Oct 28, 2015 · 5 revisions


The ListenerAgent subscribes to all topics and is useful for testing that agents being developed are publishing correctly. It also provides a template for building other agents as it expresses the requirements of a platform agent.

Explanation of ListenerAgent

ListenerAgent publishes a heartbeat message so it will use the PublishMixin. It also extends BaseAgent to get the default functionality. When creating agents, Mixins should be first in the class definition.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import sys

from import Agent, Core, PubSub, compat
from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from volttron.platform.messaging import headers as headers_mod, topics
from . import settings
#If developing inside Eclipse, use
# or change this to: import settings

Use utils to setup logging which we’ll use later. utils.setup_logging() _log = logging.getLogger(name)

The Listener agent extends (inherits from) the Agent class for its default functionality such as responding to platform commands:

class ListenerAgent(Agent):
    '''Listens to everything and publishes a heartbeat according to the
    heartbeat period specified in the settings module.

After the class definition, the Listener agent reads the configuration file, extracts the configuration parameters, and initializes any Listener agent instance variable. This is done the agents init method:

def __init__(self, config_path, **kwargs):
    super(ListenerAgent, self).__init__(**kwargs)
    self.config = utils.load_config(config_path)

Next, the Listener agent will run its setup method. This method is tagged to run after the agent is initialized by the decorator @Core.receiver('onsetup'). This method accesses the configuration parameters, logs a message to the platform log, and sets the agent ID.

def setup(self, sender, **kwargs):
    # Demonstrate accessing a value from the config file['message'])
    self._agent_id = self.config['agentid']

The Listener agent subscribes to all topics published on the message bus. Subscribe/publish interactions with the message bus are handled by the PubSub module located at: ~/volttron/volttron/platform/vip/agent/subsystems/

The Listener agent uses an empty string to subscribe to all messages published. This is done in a decorator for simplifying subscriptions.

It also checks for the sender being pubsub.compat in case there are any VOLTTRON 2.0 agents running on the platform.

@PubSub.subscribe('pubsub', '')
def on_match(self, peer, sender, bus,  topic, headers, message):
    '''Use match_all to receive all messages and print them out.'''
    if sender == 'pubsub.compat':
	message = compat.unpack_legacy_message(headers, message)
	"Peer: %r, Sender: %r:, Bus: %r, Topic: %r, Headers: %r, "
	"Message: %r", peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message)

The Listener agent uses the @Core.periodic decorator to execute the publish_heartbeat method every HEARTBEAT_PERIOD seconds where HEARTBEAT_PERIOD is specified in the file:

def publish_heartbeat(self):
    '''Send heartbeat message every HEARTBEAT_PERIOD seconds.

    HEARTBEAT_PERIOD is set and can be adjusted in the settings module.
    now = datetime.utcnow().isoformat(' ') + 'Z'
    headers = {
	'AgentID': self._agent_id,
	headers_mod.CONTENT_TYPE: headers_mod.CONTENT_TYPE.PLAIN_TEXT,
	headers_mod.DATE: now,
	'pubsub', 'heartbeat/listeneragent', headers, now)

vip.pubsub.publish is called with the following arguments:

  • ‘pubsub’ - Always the first argument to vip.pubsub.publish.
  • topic - Topic of message or data. In this example the Listener is publishing to the 'heartbeat/listeneragent' topic
  • headers - Contains information such as date published, content type (plain text, utf-8, asci, etc), and the agent ID for publishing agent.
  • message - Can be a single value (float, integer, or string), list of objects, or dictionary. Agents subscribing to the message should know the format of message so they can parse and use the information. In this example the Listener agent is publishing a string message containing the current time (“now”) in UTC ISO format (note: Python datetime objects should be converted to strings before passing to vip.pubsub.publish).

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