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Basic Settings and Descriptions

Anoop Chandran edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 4 revisions

Settings are located at Open Settings → Community plugins → Reference Map

Basic Plugin Settings


  • The Refresh Map button will refresh the Reference Map view. This is useful when you have changed any view related settings and want to see the changes reflected in the current view(changing to a new markdown view will also refresh the map).

  • Hide or Show Abstract - This will hide or show the abstract of the reference in an index/reference card in the Reference Map view. Some papers might not have an abstract for those null will be displayed.

  • Hide or Show All Authors - This will hide or show all the authors of the reference in an index/reference card in the Reference Map view. By default only the first author is shown. Link to the author details page associated with the text will remain unchanged when toggling this option.

  • Hide or Show Influential Citation Count - This will hide or show the influential citation count of the reference in an index/reference card in the Reference Map view. You can read more about it on semanticscholar.

  • Hide or Show Buttons on Hover - By default all buttons on a card is visible. Enabling this option will hide the buttons until you hover on a card.

Dynamic References

  • Search References Using File Name - Find references also using the markdown note file name in addition to reference IDs

    • Search References Limit - Limit the number of index cards shown in the view (Max: 10, Default: 3)
  • Search References Using Frontmatter - Find references also using the front matter of the markdown note file in addition to reference IDs

    • Search Frontmatter Key - The frontmatter key where search text is provided. (Default: keywords)
    • Search Frontmatter Limit - Limit the number of index cards shown in the view (Max: 10, Default: 3)


  • Sorting References and Citation - Sort the references and citations in the view. By default the references and citations are sorted according to their publication date in descending order.

    • Sort By - Sort by year, referenceCount, citationCount and influentialCitationCount.
    • Sort Order - Sort in Ascending or Descending order
  • Standardize BibTeX - By default the bibtex type is an array of listed types. By standardizing it you restrict it to one of possible 14 types. The metadata variable {{bibtex}} will also be standardized. The types are listed bellow:

    • article
    • book
    • booklet
    • conference
    • inbook
    • incollection
    • inproceedings
    • manual
    • mastersthesis
    • misc
    • phdthesis
    • proceedings
    • techreport
    • unpublished
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