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julianrkung edited this page Dec 30, 2020 · 1 revision


This page will define app-specific terms that may be initially confusing. Add onto it liberally.


  • Customers: Those who pay Mee Panyar on a monthly basis in exchange for power produced by solar mini-grids.
  • Financial Reports / Summaries: A monthly report for a specific site that outlines important information about the site during that month (number of customers yet to pay, total energy usage for the site, etc...)
  • Incidents: Reports created by users that detail an incident that occurred within the context of a specific site.
  • Inventory: Inventory available within the context of a specific site.
  • Meter Readings: Monthly readings from a customer's meter that denote how much energy they've used that month. Meter readings have a 1:1 relationship with invoices that a customer is expected to pay.
  • Payments: A payment from a customer that is logged by a User.
  • PWA: Acronym for Progressive Web App. A web app that brings a native app-like user experience to cross-platform web applications. Read more here
  • Service Worker: A web worker that runs separate from the main browser and, in our case, caches and retrieves resources and intercepts network requests. It's the main driver in allowing offline functionality. Read more here. [TODO: separate wiki page on it]
  • Site: A geographical location that Mee Panyar services. Many customers belong to a site. Users (one or more) maintain a site. A site may have multiple tariff plans available to it. Sites are the primary context within the app, and a user assigned to multiple sites may switch between them.
  • Tariff Plans: A plan created by admins via the Airtable base that outlines how a customer should be charged for their energy usage.
  • Users: Mee Panyar electricians that use the app.