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Eric Davis edited this page Mar 31, 2018 · 1 revision
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I accidentally closed the "something" miniwindow

Let's assume the events miniwindow . type plugins miniwin and find the plugin associated with that miniwindow

miniwin_double                1817  mdbl      false   true      1172      
miniwin_events                1817  mev       false   true      1278      
miniwin_help                  1817  mnhelp    false   true      1033      
miniwin_map                   1817  mmap      false   true      2562      
miniwin_moonbot               1817  mb        false   true      949       
miniwin_noexp                 1817  mnoexp    false   true      774       
miniwin_spellup               1817  mspell    false   true      8488      
miniwin_stats                 1817  mstat     false   true      2027      
miniwin_tabwin                1817  mtab      false   true      1309      
miniwin_vote                  1817  mvote     false   true      1304

the command for that plugin would be mev run mev objects

miniwin_events v1817 phelp Objects associated with this plugin

the window would be events

  • all miniwindows have the following commands:
    • front - bring the miniwindow to the front
    • back - send the miniwindow to the back
    • show - show the miniwindow
    • hide - hide the miniwindow
    • toggle - toggle the miniwindow (hide if shown, show if hidden)
    • reset - reset the miniwindow
  • type mev events show and mev events front to see the window
  • If this doesn't work, then type mev events reset

General Information

Tips For VI Users
Creating Plugins Based On Bastmush

Plugin Information

Bastmush Plugins

Internal bastmush Plugins (do not load these unless needed)

Support files for bastmush

Modified Plugins from other sources

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