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Eric Davis edited this page Apr 2, 2018 · 1 revision
Table Of Contents


  • Author: Bast
  • a plugin for aardwolf related functions



    functions in this module
    removetag - usage:removetag(stylerun)
      remove the tag in a style run
    printstyles - usage:printstyles(stylerun)
      use colourtell to print a style run
    findkeyword - usage: findkeyword(item)
      return the first keyword of the item that is not an article
    getactuallevel - usage: getactuallevel(level, remorts, tier)
      - find the actual level based on remorts, tier, and current level
    convertlevel - usage: convertlevel(level)
      - opposite of getactuallevel, return a table with keys tier, remort, level
    classabb table
      - a table of class abbreviations, key is the abbreviation, value is
        the long name for the class
    objecttypes/objecttypesrev table
      - table of object types
    wearlocs/wearlocsreverse tables
      - table of wear locations
    optionallocs tables
      - table of wear locations that are optional when showing eq
    spelltarget table
      - table of spell targets
    statestrings table
      - table of statestrings

General Information

Tips For VI Users
Creating Plugins Based On Bastmush

Plugin Information

Bastmush Plugins

Internal bastmush Plugins (do not load these unless needed)

Support files for bastmush

Modified Plugins from other sources

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