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eQuantum edited this page Sep 17, 2024 · 13 revisions

Final Theory

There is a proof that it is impossible to embed all the three generations in E8 without the presence of additional particles that do not exist in the physical world.

An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything

It has been recent claims that loop quantum gravity (LQG) may be able to reproduce features resembling the Standard Model of particle physics and general relativity.

addition zones

As a theory, LQG postulates that the structure of space and time is composed of finite loops (E16) woven into an extremely fine fabric or networks called spin networks.

The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) contains two Higgs doublets, leading to _five (5) physical [Higgs bosons](
- one (1) neutral CP-odd (A) 👈 ***degenerated with (h or H)*** 
- two (2) charged states ***(H+ and H−)***,
- Two (2) neutral CP-even states ***(h and H)***.

_At tree-level, the masses are [governed](
 by two parameters, often taken to be mA and tan β [3]. When tan β >> 1, A is nearly [degenerated](
 with one of the CP-even states (denoted ϕ)_. _([ScienceDirect](

168 + 329 + 289 = 168 + 618 = 786

multiplication zones

The evolution of a spin foam, has a scale above the Planck length. Consequently, not just matter, but space itself, prefers an atomic structure.

[_TON ***618***_]( is the largest black hole in the universe. It’s so large that it has pioneered the classification of “[Ultramassive black hole](,” with Solar Mass of ***66*** trillion of our suns! Boasts an extremely high gravitational pull as a result of inspiring mass, and might have been formed by the merging of more than one black hole in the past _([](

168+618 - 19x6x6 = 786 - 684 = 102

exponentiation zones

The final step (E24) requires direction on resolving the separation between quantum mechanics and gravitation, often equated with general relativity.

The structure is arranged based on 11 dimensions of [space and time]( which is composed of ***12 loops*** woven into the [spin networks](

[![Parallel Universes ](](

The result should be a massive neutrinos that bring ***7 more parameters*** (3 [CKM]( and 4 [PMNS]( for a total of _[26 parameters]( out of `11+26=37` symmetry.

[![CKM vs PMNS Matrix](](

Schematic representation of fermions and bosons in SU(5) GUT showing 5 + 10 split in the multiplets. Neutral bosons (photon, Z-boson, and neutral gluons) are not shown but occupy the diagonal entries of the matrix in complex superpositions.



And, speaking of the Fibonacci number sequence, there is symmetry mirroring the above in the relationship between the terminating digits of Fibonacci numbers and their index numbers equating to members of the array populating the Prime Spiral Sieve:

[![11's additive sums](](

The 10 symmetries are reflecting the 10 shapes of the chart as shown below. The 12 finite loops around the three (3) generation are denoted by the total of 12 arrows that flowing in between each of the 10 shapes.

78-dimensional E6 = 786

identition zones

By the nature this behaviour can be observed from the molecular interactions of water. Water is intrinsically self-complementary on molecular interactions. In liquid or solid water, engage in ideal hydrogen bonding.

Figure below illustrates the complementarity of the hydrogen bonding interactions of a water molecule with the surroundings in liquid or solid water. The inner ring of angles is within a water molecule. The outer ring of angles is between bonds and/or hydrogen bonds of surrounding water molecules. _([](

Molecular Interactions

Six (6) times of the angle 109 occupied as the most while the angle of 114 and 104 are exist only once. So the one in charge here is clearly the 29th prime identity.

109 = 29th prime = (10th)th prime = ((114-104)th)th prime

            3 x 3rd-gap
           ∆     ∆     ∆
           |     |     |
-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ----------------------------------> 1st-gap
  1' |  1  | {2} |  3  |  4  | 4¤
     +-----+-----+-----+-----+ ---------> 2nd-gap inside the 1st-gap
  2' |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  | 4¤
     +-----+-----+-----+-----+ ---------> 2nd-gap inside the 1st-gap
  3' |  9  |{10} |  2¤ (M dan F)
     +-----+-----+-----+ ---------------> 2nd-gap inside the 1st-gap      
  4' | 11  | 12  | 13  | 3¤
     +-----+-----+-----+-----+ ---------> 2nd-gap inside the 1st-gap
  5' | 14  | 15  | 16  | 17  | 4¤    
     +-----+-----+-----+-----+ ---------> 2nd-gap inside the 1st-gap
  6' | 18  | 19  |{20} | 3¤
-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ----> 2nd-gap
  7' | 21  | 22  | 23  | 24  |{25} | 26  | 27  | 28  | 29  | 9¤
-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ ----> 1st-gap
           ∆     ∆     ∆     ∆     ∆     ∆     ∆     ∆  👆
           |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | P(7)=142857
               8 x 3rd-gap inside the 2nd-gap          (Truncated)

This 29 turns the finiteness position of 15 as the middle zero axis. So all of these steps are similar kind with the way a spider works to build its web.

Every web begins with a single thread, which _[forms the basis of the rest of the structure]( To establish this bridge, the spider climbs to a suitable starting point (up a tree branch, for example) and releases a length of thread into the wind. With any luck, the free end of the thread will catch onto another branch _([](


Let's assume that it is done using a material that stretches and then pops back when the stretching force goes away. It is pound stronger than steel. Every next steps start exactly the same as we have explained from the beginning till all of the 77 objects goes in.

The study researchers next asked what the consequences of such a universe would be. They found many wonderful things.
- For one, a CPT-respecting ***universe naturally expands and fills itself with particles, without the need for a long-theorized period of rapid expansion known as inflation***. While there's a lot of evidence that an event like inflation occurred, the theoretical picture of that event is incredibly fuzzy. It's so fuzzy that there is plenty of room for proposals of viable alternatives.
- Second, a CPT-respecting universe would add some additional neutrinos to the mix. There are three known neutrino flavors: the electron-neutrino, muon-neutrino and tau-neutrino. ***Strangely, all three of these neutrino flavors are left-handed*** (referring to the direction of its spin relative to its motion). All other particles known to physics have both left- and right-handed varieties, so physicists have long wondered if there are additional right-handed neutrinos.
- A CPT-respecting universe would demand the existence of ***at least one right-handed neutrino species***. This species would be largely invisible to physics experiments, only ever influencing the rest of the universe through gravity. But an invisible particle that floods the universe and only interacts via gravity sounds a lot like dark matter.

The researchers found that the conditions imposed by obeying CPT symmetry would fill our universe with right-handed neutrinos, enough to account for the dark matter. _([LiveScience](

1 instance + 7 blocks + 29 flats + 77 rooms = 37+77 = 114 objects

True Prime Pairs:
(5,7), (11,13), (17,19)

     |    168    |    618    |
-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+     -----------------------------------------------
{786}| 1,2 |  2  | 2,3 | 3,4 | {19}                                          |
-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+                                               |
 {86}|  4  | 4,5 | 5,6 |{6,7}| 17                                        Base Zone
     +-----+-----+-----+-----+                                               |
 {78}|{7,8}| 8,9 | 12 (M & F) ----> Δ                                        |
     +-----+-----+-----+  <--------   Mirror Zone (Middle zero axis)   -----------
 {67}| 9,11|11,12|12,14| 11                                                  |
 ----+-----+-----+-----+-----+                                               |
  {6}|15,16|17,18|18,20|21,22| 19                                    Extended Zone
     +-----+-----+-----+-----+                                               |
  {8}|23,25|25,27|27,29| 18                                                  |
     +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-------+         -----------
  {7}|29,33|33,36|36,39|39,41|41,45|46,51|51,57|58,66|{67,77}| 43 (C1 & C2)<---Δ
-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-------+         -----------
     |  1     2     3  |   4     5     6 |   7     8      9  |
     |------ 29' ------|--------------- 139' ----------------|
     |------ 618¨ -----|--------------- 168¨ ----------------| ✔️

This 77 principles have worked so well on simple examples such as water molecules that we can be reasonably confident they will work for more complex examples.

MEC 30 claims to "illustrate and convey the connections between quantum mechanics, gravitation and mathematics in a new way" via the elementary level of numbers.

**[Why does it work?](**

- It starts with a theory about the structure of light, which is then transferred to various areas of the natural sciences.
- In the subatomic space, Heisenberger does not allow precise measurements because the measurements themselves distort the result.
- Through the mathematical basis presented here, our scale behaves like _[Plank's quantum]( of action and shows in the positions the behaviorally entangled photons, which in turn produce the quantum of action in the sums. 
- The MEC 30 as a folding rule is also here a tool for _[The Entangled Quantum]( systems to explain the ghostly behavior of _[the elementary particles](
- It would also to make the underlying algorithm visible and explainable, keyword quantum teleportation. So  we are able to investigate the energy behavior below the quantum of effect without measuring influence.
- This works because our scale is the basis for the _[Riemann Zeta Function](, which reflects the _[energy distribution in atoms](
- On the other hand, with larger systems we are able to transfer the behavior of the energy from the _[subatomic]( space into the haptic space with the scale described here (thought experiment _[Schröninger's cat](
- Thus, we are still able to apply the Schröninger wave equation in the haptic space, and replace _[The Hamiltonian]( with our measurements.

Developing MEC 30 as a folding rule emerged from a new analysis of mathematical foundations and makes a new algorithm visible. _([Google Patent DE102011101032A9](

Euler's identity

Out of these 77 objects, one should reveal an elegant scale of MEC30 provided with the truncated folding rule and the beauty of Euler's identity.

And Benjamin Peirce, a 19th-century American philosopher, mathematician, and professor at Harvard University, after proving Euler's identity during a lecture, stated that the identity ***"is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it, and we don't know what it means, but we have proved it, and therefore we know it must be the truth"***. _([Wikipedia](


The advantages is that instead of a rudimentary mathematical templates, now a folding rule of the MEC30 makes the associated algorithm and parameters visible even in 2D.

We've seen how it [Euler's identity] can easily be deduced from results of Johann Bernoulli and Roger Cotes, but that neither of them seem to have done so. Even Euler does not seem to have written it down explicitly – and certainly it doesn't appear in any of his publications – though he must surely have realized that it follows immediately from his formula: `e^ix = cos x + i sin x`. ***Moreover, it seems to be unknown who first stated the result explicitly…*** _([Wikipedia](

Everything is Connected

Since the 27 pattern is tripled to modulo 90 so they would behave as Prime Spiral Sieve and synchronizing its period-24 digital root towards the rest of 77 objects.

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Quantum Gravity

Taking a coupling function between f(π) as P vs f(i) as NP where e + 1 = 0 they shall be correlated in to an expression of universe so it shows that Everything is Connected.


You are FREE to use our concept of TOE for every purposes as long as you present the following somewhere in your publication.

_The definite key to identify whether you use [our concept]( is when there a kind of developed item lies a [unified assignment]( in hexagonal form by [six (6) corresponding sets]( while each sets pick a [combination]( of [six (6) routes]( with a pairing of [six (6) by six (6)]( of all channels_.

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