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eq19 edited this page May 4, 2024 · 1 revision

{% include list.liquid all=true %}

When we come to a mapping of a Project, is critical to look for the future of Parts Unlimited otherwise the project will massively over budget and very late. So to deal with this we shall consider to move everything to the cloud…


Since version 3.2 , a new Jekyll project bootstrapped with jekyll new uses gem-based themes to define the look of the site. This results in a lighter default directory structure: _layouts, _includes and _sass are stored in the theme-gem, by default.


In general relativity, gravity is a force that bends and warps space-time around supermassive bodies.
- Even though gravity is one of the four fundamental forces in nature, it is very weak compared to the other three forces (electromagnetism, weak force and strong force). So it can’t be observed or identified on the scale of subatomic particles.
- However, [gravity]( is ***very dominant in long-distance scenarios***. It controls the structure of the macro universe (galaxies, planets, stars, moons).
- As far as quantum mechanics is concerned, gravity doesn’t have much effect. The probable nature of the quantum realm also poses a significant challenge for the induction of gravity in the quantum realm.
- Generally, ***gravity does not act as a particle as its own***. Even if a hypothetical model is introduced to explain the particle nature of a gravity particle, it violates fundamental energy laws.

In the 1970s, theorists tried to discard the self-destructive idea of point-like gravity particles. Instead of point particles, strings were introduced. Even if strings collide, there will be no infinite energy problem. Strings can smoothly smash and rebound without implying any physically nonsense infinities.

You can attach a persistent disk or create an instance with Local SSDs when using Container-Optimized OS. The disks can be mounted by creating a subdirectory under /mnt/disks directory (writable, executable, stateless, tmpfs) using startup-scripts.


If you are using Docker-for-Windows, you can run now both Windows and Linux containers simultaneously: Running Docker Windows and Linux Containers Simultaneously, not only the Linux container itself, but also an orchestrator like Kubernetes: Kubernetes is Now Available In Docker Desktop Stable Channel

GitHub Actions workflow

On the lagging strand template, a primase "reads" the template DNA and initiates synthesis of a short complementary RNA primer. This is assigned to Windows container.


You can run .NET applications in Linux containers, but only if they’re written in .NET Core which can be deployed on Windows Server Containers. Applications running in Windows Server Containers can run in any language supported by Windows.


Let's combine them all then we will get 168 which is the total primes out of 1000 numbers. This 168 we will get it also when we combine the 1's and 17's cell of (31+37)+(35+65)=68+100=168.


This can be remedied by re-mounting your Windows partition inside WSL with the metdata option. Edit the /etc/wsl.conf file (create it if it doesn’t exist) and add the following:

options = "metadata"

Log out from WSL and log in again, and now the windows partition will be mounted with metadata and chmod will work against windows files. You can now chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa and everything will work correctly.


By this project we are going to use a library called Chevrotain. It can be used to build Lexers, Parsers and Interpreters for various use cases ranging from simple config files to full fledged programming languages.

Lexers, Parsers and Interpreters with Chevrotain

This Widows is an isolated container, lightweight package for running an application on the host operating system. Containers build on top of the host operating system's kernel (which can be thought of as the buried plumbing of the operating system).

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