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Multiifo Ranking Statistic Development

Gareth Davies edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 21 revisions
Name of problem/issue Status Testing/Verification
Total noise rate for each type of coinc Done predicted rate vs timeslide rate
Relate total number of single triggers to thresholded fit Not yet, set up plotting script see distribution and fitting of below-threshold triggers
convert predicted noise rate into statistic Done, exp_fit_sg_coinc_rate statistic in See #2689 coincident trigger scatter plot, and comparison histograms (LIGO login required).
Proper combination of different types of coinc via statistic value (not FAR/trials factor) Done, pycbc_multiifo_add_statmap see #2811 & #2834 compare unclustered event FAR assignments from trials factor vs adding histograms. stat vs effective trials factor, Note that the prediction doesn't exactly line up for a known, very fiddly reason
Approximation of network sensitivity from sigma^2 Done. See #2843 plot sensitivity vs time /mass/etc. compare to standard plots.
Add in network sensitivity into statistic In review #2850 Newstat vs previousstat as function of time/coinc type. Stat with and without sigma: difference vs time and comparison of statistic values
Signal extent over time difference, include in signal rate part of statistic In coinc_rate module compare to noise trigger extent allowed time differences for noise and signal triggers
Include P/T/A consistency checks Being prepared: #2830 Compare background trigger statistic histograms