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All customization settings (theming) are made from a single configuration file (the color scheme file). They are installed by default in XDG_DATA_DIRS/clifm/colors (usually /usr/local/share/clifm/colors or /usr/share/clifm/colors), though color scheme files found in XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clifm/colors (usually HOME/.config/clifm/colors) take precedence. This latter could be used to store custom color schemes.

Each color scheme file may include any (or all) of the following options:

Option Description Full description
FiletypeColors Colors for different file types, such as directory, regular files, and so on Here
InterfaceColors Colors for clifm's interface, such as ELN's, file properties bits, suggestions, syntax highlighting, etc. Here
ExtColors Colors for files based on file name's extension Here
DateShades A comma separated list of colors to colorize timestamps1
SizeShades A comma separated list of colors to colorize file sizes1
DirIconColor Color for directories icon (when icons are enabled) Here
Prompt Clifm's prompt Here
DividingLine The line dividing the current list of files and the prompt Here
FzfTabOptions Options to be passed to fzf when using the fzf mode for TAB completion, including colors Here

1 More information on how to set up these fields in the default color scheme file.

The color scheme (or just theme) can be set either via the command line (--color-scheme=NAME), via the ColorScheme option in the main configuration file, or using the cs command, for instance,

cs mytheme

Enter cs (or cs <TAB>) to get a list of available color schemes.

To edit the current color scheme enter

cs edit

By default, clifm ships several themes, though more can be found in our colors repository.

Note: The default theme file includes documentation on how to read/build custom themes.


Default colors used by CliFM

Color support

If 256 colors support is detected for the current terminal (see below), and not set in any other way (either via the ColorScheme option in the configuration file or the --color-scheme command line switch), clifm will attempt to load the 256 colors version of the default color scheme: default-256. Otherwise, it falls back to the 16 colors version.

LS_COLORS is also supported. See the LS_COLORS support section for more details.

Color detection

Color is always disabled in any of these cases:

  1. Either NO_COLOR or CLIFM_NO_COLOR is set (to any value)
  2. CLICOLOR is set to 0
  3. If running with --no-color
  4. The terminfo database reports no color support for TERM (for example, xterms).1

The amount of supported colors is taken from TERM (via the terminfo database). If COLORTERM is set to either 24bit or truecolor then clifm assumes that true color (and thereby 256 colors) is supported.

1 If your terminal does support colors, no matter what terminfo says, you can force the use of colors setting CLIFM_FORCE_COLOR to any value (or CLICOLOR_FORCE to 1). Note that if terminfo does not report color support, and you nonetheless set CLIFM_FORCE_COLOR or CLICOLOR_FORCE, clifm will run in 16 colors mode for maximum compatibility.

Setting colors

Colors and interface elements are specified in the color scheme file and can be modified as you wish using the below codes (see the colors command).

Colors are defined using the same format used by dircolors(1) and the LS_COLORS environment variable, namely, a colon separated list of codes with this general format: name=value, where name refers to an interface element and value to the color to be used by this element.

The following codes are used for different elements of clifm's interface:

File types

Code Reference
bd Block device
ca File with capabilities
cd Character device
di Directory
ed Empty directory
ee Empty executable file
ef Empty regular file
ex Executable file
fi Regular file
ln Symlink
mh Multi-link file
nd Directory with no read/exec permission
nf File with no access permission
no Unknown file type
oo Doors/Ports (Solaris)
or Orphaned or broken symbolic link
ow Other writable directory
pi FIFO/pipe
so Socket
su SUID file
sg SGID file
st Sticky and not other writable directory
tw Sticky and other writable directory
uf Inaccessible files (stat(2) error)

NOTE: LSCOLORS Generator provides a nice and graphical way of constructing a LS_COLORS line.

Syntax highlighting

Code Description
hb Parenthesis, Brackets: () [] {}
hc Comments: #comment
hd Slashes: /
he Expansion operators: * ~
hn Numbers (including ELN's)
hp Commands parameters: -p --parameter
hq Quotes: "str" 'str'
hr Redirection operator: >
hs Commands separator: | & ;
hv Variables (environment and internal): $FOO
hw Backslash (aka whack): \


Code Description
sb Shell builtins
sc Aliases and shell command names
sd Internal commands description
sf ELN, bookmark, tag, and file names
sh Commands history entries
sp Suggestions pointer (e.g.: 12 > filename, where > is the suggestion pointer)
sx Clifm's internal commands and parameters
sz File names (fuzzy)

File properties

Code Description
db File allocated blocks (since 1.17.10)
dd Last access/birth/change/modification time1
de File inode number (long view only) (since 1.17.3)
dg Group ID (provided the user has access to the file)
dk Number of links (long view only) (since 1.17.3)
dn Dash (unset property)
do Octal value for file permissions
dp SUID, SGID, sticky bit
dr Read permission bit
dt Timestamp identification mark2 (since 1.19.11)
du User ID (provided the user has access to the file) (since 1.19.11)
dw Write permission bit
dxd Executable permission bit (directories)
dxr Executable permission bit (regular files)
dz File size1

1 If unset (default), gradient colors are used based on either file size or timestamp.
2 If unset (default), a dimmed version of the current timestamp color is used.

Prompt elements

Code Description
em Error message indicator
nm Notice message indicator
wm Warning message indicator
ro Read-only mode indicator
si Stealth mode indicator
li Selected files indicator
ti Trash indicator
tx Command line text (regular prompt)

Miscellaneous interface elements

Code Description
df Default color1
dl Dividing line2
el ELN's3
fc Files counter
lc Symbolic link indicator (only for ColorLinksAsTarget)4
mi Miscellaneous indicators (disk usage, sort method, bulk rename, jump database list, and others)
ts Matching prefix for TAB completed possible entries
tt Tilde character (~) for trimmed file names
wc Welcome message
wsN Color for workspace N (1-8)
xs Exit code: success
xf Exit code: failure

1 The default color is used when no specific color needs to be used, that is, as the base color of the interface. For example, after printing a file name, the color will be set back to df. As a rule of thumb and for consistency reasons, this color should be set to the foreground color of the console/terminal emulator, that is to say, 00, which is the default.

2 If unset, the color of the current workspace will be used instead.

3 If running clifm with the --eln-use-workspace-color command line switch, the color of the current workspace will be used instead of this color.

4 See the configuration file for details about this option.

Color specification

Color codes are basically traditional ANSI color codes less the escape character and the final m. Thus, for instance, if you want non-empty directories to be bold blue, add this to the FiletypeColors line in the corresponding color scheme file:


If you want ELN's to be red, add this code to the InterfaceColors line:


Color codes can be used for file extensions as well (regular files only) using this format: *.ext=color. For example, to print C source files in bold green, add this to the ExtColors line in the corresponding color scheme file:


Note: Non-accessible (non-readable by the current user), executable (including SUID and SGID) files, and files with capabilities take precedence over file extensions. For example, the file file.mp3, if executable, will be printed using the color code associated to executable files (ex) even if there is a color code associated to .mp3 files.

Note 2: In case ExtColors is not found in the color scheme file, or it is set to the empty string, clifm will fallback to the default colors (as defined in default and default-256 color schemes). To completely disable colors for file extensions you need to set at least one value. For example:


Supported colors

8-16, 256, and 24-bit colors are supported. For example:


will print regular files underlined and using a bold orange foreground color on a blue background.

NOTE: Bear in mind that a color scheme (or theme) does not need to specify colors for each code, but only for those that differ from the defaults (as defined in the default color scheme). If you just want to change directories color to, say, red, and ELN's to bold magenta, you can create a color scheme file (named for example red.clifm) under the colors directory with the following content:


Only di, ed, and el are defined. Undefined codes will be set to the default values. The same goes for the prompt (both regular and warning prompt), and FZF options.

For 256 colors, Xterm-like color names can be used as well. In the case of 24-bit colors, (both the RGB and the HEX format are supported).


Though ANSI escape sequences can be used to specify 8-bit colors (aka 256-colors), the following short syntax can be used as well: @NUM[-[1-9]], where 1-9 is a display attribute (only one attribute is allowed):

Number Name
1 Bold or increased intensity
2 Faint, decreased intensity or dim
3 Italic (Not widely supported)
4 Underline
5 Slow blink
6 Rapid blink
7 Reverse video or invert
8 Conceal or hide (Not widely supported)
9 Crossed-out, or strike

For instance,


means that directories (di) will be printed in bold (1) red (160).

Hex color codes

Three/six digits hexadecimal color codes are also supported using this format: #RRGGBB[-[1-9]] (or #RGB[-[1-9]]), where 1-9 is a display attribute (only a single attribute is allowed). For example, to get underlined red ELN's:


or, if you prefer directories to be printed in Royal Blue:


Xterm-like color names (256 colors)

A name is assigned to each color in the 256 colors palette. The list of color names (as found in vifm(1)) is a as follows:

Color Name
0 Black
1 Red
2 Green
3 Yellow
4 Blue
5 Magenta
6 Cyan
7 White
8 LightBlack
9 LightRed
10 LightGreen
11 LightYellow
12 LightBlue
13 LightMagenta
14 LightCyan
15 LightWhite
16 Grey0
17 NavyBlue
18 DarkBlue
19 Blue3
20 Blue3_2
21 Blue1
22 DarkGreen
23 DeepSkyBlue4
24 DeepSkyBlue4_2
25 DeepSkyBlue4_3
26 DodgerBlue3
27 DodgerBlue2
28 Green4
29 SpringGreen4
30 Turquoise4
31 DeepSkyBlue3
32 DeepSkyBlue3_2
33 DodgerBlue1
34 Green3
35 SpringGreen3
36 DarkCyan
37 LightSeaGreen
38 DeepSkyBlue2
39 DeepSkyBlue1
40 Green3_2
41 SpringGreen3_2
42 SpringGreen2
43 Cyan3
44 DarkTurquoise
45 Turquoise2
46 Green1
47 SpringGreen2_2
48 SpringGreen1
49 MediumSpringGreen
50 Cyan2
51 Cyan1
52 DarkRed
53 DeepPink4
54 Purple4
55 Purple4_2
56 Purple3
57 BlueViolet
58 Orange4
59 Grey37
60 MediumPurple4
61 SlateBlue3
62 SlateBlue3_2
63 RoyalBlue1
64 Chartreuse4
65 DarkSeaGreen4
66 PaleTurquoise4
67 SteelBlue
68 SteelBlue3
69 CornflowerBlue
70 Chartreuse3
71 DarkSeaGreen4_2
72 CadetBlue
73 CadetBlue_2
74 SkyBlue3
75 SteelBlue1
76 Chartreuse3_2
77 PaleGreen3
78 SeaGreen3
79 Aquamarine3
80 MediumTurquoise
81 SteelBlue1_2
82 Chartreuse2
83 SeaGreen2
84 SeaGreen1
85 SeaGreen1_2
86 Aquamarine1
87 DarkSlateGray2
88 DarkRed_2
89 DeepPink4_2
90 DarkMagenta
91 DarkMagenta_2
92 DarkViolet
93 Purple
94 Orange4_2
95 LightPink4
96 Plum4
97 MediumPurple3
98 MediumPurple3_2
99 SlateBlue1
100 Yellow4
101 Wheat4
102 Grey53
103 LightSlateGrey
104 MediumPurple
105 LightSlateBlue
106 Yellow4_2
107 DarkOliveGreen3
108 DarkSeaGreen
109 LightSkyBlue3
110 LightSkyBlue3_2
111 SkyBlue2
112 Chartreuse2_2
113 DarkOliveGreen3_2
114 PaleGreen3_2
115 DarkSeaGreen3
116 DarkSlateGray3
117 SkyBlue1
118 Chartreuse1
119 LightGreen_2
120 LightGreen_3
121 PaleGreen1
122 Aquamarine1_2
123 DarkSlateGray1
124 Red3
125 DeepPink4_3
126 MediumVioletRed
127 Magenta3
128 DarkViolet_2
129 Purple_2
130 DarkOrange3
131 IndianRed
132 HotPink3
133 MediumOrchid3
134 MediumOrchid
135 MediumPurple2
136 DarkGoldenrod
137 LightSalmon3
138 RosyBrown
139 Grey63
140 MediumPurple2_2
141 MediumPurple1
142 Gold3
143 DarkKhaki
144 NavajoWhite3
145 Grey69
146 LightSteelBlue3
147 LightSteelBlue
148 Yellow3
149 DarkOliveGreen3_3
150 DarkSeaGreen3_2
151 DarkSeaGreen2
152 LightCyan3
153 LightSkyBlue1
154 GreenYellow
155 DarkOliveGreen2
156 PaleGreen1_2
157 DarkSeaGreen2_2
158 DarkSeaGreen1
159 PaleTurquoise1
160 Red3_2
161 DeepPink3
162 DeepPink3_2
163 Magenta3_2
164 Magenta3_3
165 Magenta2
166 DarkOrange3_2
167 IndianRed_2
168 HotPink3_2
169 HotPink2
170 Orchid
171 MediumOrchid1
172 Orange3
173 LightSalmon3_2
174 LightPink3
175 Pink3
176 Plum3
177 Violet
178 Gold3_2
179 LightGoldenrod3
180 Tan
181 MistyRose3
182 Thistle3
183 Plum2
184 Yellow3_2
185 Khaki3
186 LightGoldenrod2
187 LightYellow3
188 Grey84
189 LightSteelBlue1
190 Yellow2
191 DarkOliveGreen1
192 DarkOliveGreen1_2
193 DarkSeaGreen1_2
194 Honeydew2
195 LightCyan1
196 Red1
197 DeepPink2
198 DeepPink1
199 DeepPink1_2
200 Magenta2_2
201 Magenta1
202 OrangeRed1
203 IndianRed1
204 IndianRed1_2
205 HotPink
206 HotPink_2
207 MediumOrchid1_2
208 DarkOrange
209 Salmon1
210 LightCoral
211 PaleVioletRed1
212 Orchid2
213 Orchid1
214 Orange1
215 SandyBrown
216 LightSalmon1
217 LightPink1
218 Pink1
219 Plum1
220 Gold1
221 LightGoldenrod2_2
222 LightGoldenrod2_3
223 NavajoWhite1
224 MistyRose1
225 Thistle1
226 Yellow1
227 LightGoldenrod1
228 Khaki1
229 Wheat1
230 Cornsilk1
231 Grey100
232 Grey3
233 Grey7
234 Grey11
235 Grey15
236 Grey19
237 Grey23
238 Grey27
239 Grey30
240 Grey35
241 Grey39
242 Grey42
243 Grey46
244 Grey50
245 Grey54
246 Grey58
247 Grey62
248 Grey66
249 Grey70
250 Grey74
251 Grey78
252 Grey82
253 Grey85
254 Grey89
255 Grey93

For example:


to print executable files as LightGoldenrod3, namely, color 179 (#d7af5f).

Just as with hex colors, a single attribute can be appended to color names. For example, LightGoldenrod3-1 to get the bold version of this color.


By default, color shades are used to print both timestamps and file sizes (in long view mode and via the p command).

Shades can be customized via the DateShades and SizeShades fields in the color scheme file.

In both cases, the syntax used to specify color shades is as follows:


COLOR-TYPE is one of: 1 (4-bit: 8 colors), 2 (8-bit: 256 colors), 3 (24-bit: truecolor)

For 4-bit colors (1), valid colors are in the range 30-37
For 8-bit colors (2), valid colors are in the range 0-255
For 24-bit colors (3), valid colors have this format: #RRGGBB

ERROR is the color used to print bad values.
SHADEn is the color used for the shade N.

The meaning of each date shade is:

Code Meaning
SHADE1 <= hour
SHADE2 <= day
SHADE3 <= weak
SHADE4 <= month
SHADE5 > month

The meaning of each size shade is:

Code Meaning
SHADE1 byte
SHADE5 Bigger

An attribute (0-9) can be added to any color (either ERROR or SHADE) using a dash (-). For example:

Color-attribute Description
34-1 Bold blue (4-bit colors notation)
226-2 Dimmed yellow (8-bit colors notation)
#ffaff00-4 Underlined orange (24-bit colors notation)

Note: For DateShades to work, the dd color code (solid color for dates) must be unset (default). In the same way, for SizeShades to work, the dz color code (solid color for sizes) must be unset (default).

Default values are:

DateShades="1,31-2,36-1,36,36-2,36-2,36-2" (4-bit colors)
DateShades="2,197-2,231,253,250,247,244" (256 colors)

SizeShades="1,31-2,36,32,33,31,35" (4-bit colors)
SizeShades="2,197-2,79,77,228,215,203" (256 colors)

Color variables

Up to 128 custom color variables can be used via the define keyword to make it easier to build and read theme files.1 Example:

define RED=00;31
define MY_SPECIAL_COLOR=04;38;2;255;255;0;48;2;0;14;191


Color names (256 colors) can be used as well. For example:

define RED=MediumVioletRed
define MY_SPECIAL_COLOR=DarkTurquoise

1 This only applies to FiletypeColors, InterfaceColors, ExtColors, and DirIconColor. Prompt and WarningPromptStr lines use full ANSI escape sequences instead.

LS_COLORS support

Besides clifm-specific themes, LS_COLORS (since version 1.15.8) is also supported via the --lscolors command line switch (GNU ls only). A few examples:

  1. Via vivid
LS_COLORS=$(vivid generate nord) clifm --lscolors
  1. Via a custom dircolors file (for example Nord):
eval $(dircolors FILE)
clifm --lscolors

--lscolors can be used together with --color-scheme: while the former sets file type and file extension colors, the latter takes care of interface colors. For example:

LS_COLORS=$(vivid generate nord) clifm --lscolors --color-scheme=nord

Note: Bear in mind that clifm-specific colors (like empty directories or inaccessible files) will be disabled. Note also that colors for specific file names, as defined in LS_COLORS, are not supported (only file extensions are supported). Consult dircolors(1) and the GNU guideline for more information.


You can also set colors using the following environment variables:

Name Description
CLIFM_FILE_COLORS File type colors
CLIFM_IFACE_COLORS Interface colors
CLIFM_EXT_COLORS File extension colors
CLIFM_DATE_SHADES Color shades for timestamps
CLIFM_SIZE_SHADES Color shades for file sizes
LS_COLORS To be used with --lscolors (see LS_COLORS support)

For example, to temporarily set directories color to white run clifm as follows:

CLIFM_FILE_COLORS="di=01;37:ed=02;37:nd=04;37" CLIFM_IFACE_COLORS="fc=02;37" clifm

Terminal color capabilities

To test your terminal color capabilities use the colors script (in the plugins directory). You can also run msgcat(1) as follows:

msgcat --color=test

For further information about terminals and color support visit

NOTE: It might happen that, for some reason, you need to force clifm to use colors despite the value of the TERM variable. The OpenBSD console, for example, sets TERM to vt220 by default, which, according to the terminfo database, does not support color. However, the OpenBSD console does actually support color. In this case, you can set the CLIFM_FORCE_COLOR to either true or 1 to use color even if the value of TERM says otherwise.

To see a colored list of the currently used file color codes run colors in clifm.

By default, clifm ships several themes. Some extra themes however are provided by the clifm-colors repository (for Archlinux users, the package is available on the AUR).

Color schemes are installed in DATADIR/clifm/colors (usually /usr/local/share/clifm/colors). To create your own modified and custom versions copy them to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clifm/colors and edit them to your liking (or create new ones if you like, in which case you can submit your cool theme to the clifm-colors repository).


Running colorless

To run colorless use the --no-color command line option or set either CLIFM_NO_COLOR or NO_COLOR environment variables to any value. For more information about the no-color initiative see

For a full no-color experience recall to edit your prompt removing all color codes. Clifm includes a colorless prompt in the prompts file (see the prompt command).

When running colorless this way, no ANSI escape code is used (exception made of suggestions, which are dimmed by default). For a customizable colorless theme, i.e., to use other non-color attributes like bold, italic, and so on, you can tinker with the nocolor theme.

The Prompt

1. Setting your prompt

The prompt is taken from the Prompt line in the color scheme file. This line could be set to either a prompt name or a prompt code. Example:

# By name

# By code
prompt="%{b:red}> %{reset}"

Prompt names are defined in the prompts file and can be listed via the prompt list (or prompt list <TAB>) command.
To test a given prompt, run prompt set PROMPT_NAME.

These prompts can be edited and tweaked to your liking using the prompt edit command.

Each prompt includes these values:

Option Description
The name of the prompt (in square brackets). Example: [my_cool_prompt]. This name is to be used to invoke this prompt in the color scheme file as described below
RegularPrompt The code used to build the regular prompt. Consult the prompt code and advanced prompt customization sections below
Notifications Set to either true or false, it tells clifm whether to automatically insert notifications at the left of the prompt. You might need to set this option to false if building a custom prompt. See the examples provided by the prompts file.
RightPrompt The code used to build the right prompt. See the right prompt section below for details.
EnableWarningPrompt Set to either true or false, it says whether clifm should switch to an alternative prompt used to highlight invalid/non-existent command names as you type. See the warning prompt section below for details.
WarningPrompt The code used to build the warning prompt. If EnableWarningPrompt is set to false, this line will be ignored.

To permanently set a given prompt, set Prompt in the color scheme file (via cs edit) to the name of the prompt you like, for example:


Note: The remaining prompt lines, if any, should be commented out to avoid overriding the values defined in the prompts file.

2. The prompt code

A prompt code (for the regular, right, and warning prompts) is built following almost the same escape codes and rules used by the Bash prompt, except that it does not accept shell functions (like conditionals and loops). Command substitution (in the form $(cmd)), prompt modules (in the form ${module}), string literals, color notation (see below), and ANSI escape sequences can be used to build the prompt line.

a. Escape codes

Escape code Description
\e Escape character
\u The username
\H The full hostname
\h The hostname, up to the first dot (.)
\s The name of the shell (everything after the last slash) currently used by clifm
\S Current workspace number (colored according to wsN codes (in InterfaceColors) in the color scheme file)
\l Print an L if running in light mode
\P The current profile name
\n A newline character
\r A carriage return
\a A bell character
\d The date, in abbreviated form (e.g.: Tue May 26)
\t The time, in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format
\T The time, in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format
\@ The time, in 12-hour am/pm format
\A The time, in 24-hour HH:MM format
\w The full current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde (~)
\W The basename of the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde
\p A mix of the two above, it abbreviates the current working directory only if longer than 40 characters. To change this value set the CLIFM_PROMPT_P_MAX_PATH environment variable to a value greater than zero.
\f Abbreviate every path component but the last to a single character. To change the number of characters per path component, set the CLIFM_PROMPT_F_DIR_LEN environment variable to a value greater than zero (defaults to 1). To keep some path components unshortened, set the CLIFM_PROMPT_F_FULL_LEN_DIRS to a value greater than zero (defaults to 1).
\z Exit code of the last executed command (colored according to xs (success) and xf (failure) codes in the InterfaceColors section in the color scheme file)
\b Execution time of the last command (in seconds). Use the CLIFM_PROMPT_B_MIN environment variable to print times only if bigger than the specified value (defaults to 0, i.e., print always), and the CLIFM_PROMPT_B_PRECISION variable to print only the specified value of decimal places (defaults to 2).
\i The value of CLIFMLVL (number of nested instances of clifm)
\I Same as \i, but formatted as (n) (nothing is printed if CLIFMLVL is 1)
\$ #, if the effective user ID is 0 (root), and $ otherwise
\nnn The character whose ASCII code is the octal value nnn
\\ A literal backslash
\[ Begin a sequence of non-printing characters. This is mostly used to add color to the prompt line
\] End a sequence of non-printing characters

The following files statistics escape sequences are available as well:

Escape code Description
\D Amount of sub-directories in the current directory
\R Amount of regular files in the current directory
\X Amount of executable files in the current directory
\. Amount of hidden files in the current directory
\U Amount of SUID files in the current directory
\G Amount of SGID files in the current directory
\F Amount of FIFO/pipe files in the current directory
\K Amount of socket files in the current directory
\> Amount of door files in the current directory (Solaris only)
\B Amount of block device files in the current directory
\C Amount of character device files in the current directory
\x Amount of files with capabilities in the current directory
\L Amount of symbolic links in the current directory
\o Amount of broken symbolic links in the current directory
\M Amount of multi-link files in the current directory
\E Amount of files with extended attributes in the current directory
\O Amount of other-writable files in the current directory
\* Amount of files with the sticky bit set in the current directory
\? Amount of files of unknown file type in the current directory
\! Amount of unstatable files in the current directory

Escape codes for prompt notifications, mostly used for custom prompts which need to handle notifications themselves. In this case, Notifications should be set to false in the prompts file to prevent the automatic insertion of notifications at the left of the prompt (a few examples are given in the prompts file).

Escape code Description
\* * + amount of selected files
\% T + amount of trashed files
\# R if root user
\) W + amount of warning messages
\( E + amount of error messages
\= N + amount of notice messages

Note: Except for \#, nothing is printed if the number is zero (i.e. no selected, no trashed files, and so on).

b. Colors

Colorization is made using either of the two following methods:

1) Bash-style ANSI escape codes. For example:

\[\e[1;31m\] # Bold red

Or, for a 24-bit color:


Note that \[ and \] are used to indicate that the string is made of non-printing characters.

2) (Since 1.21) Using the %{COLOR} syntax, where COLOR is:

a) A color/attribute name.

Color names: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white

To get the full-brightness variant of any of the above colors use the br prefix followed by the color name (e.g.: brblue or brblack).
Note that brblack has has higher brightness than black (close to gray).

Attribute names: bold, dim, italic, underline, reverse, strike.

To disable a specific attribute use the no prefix followed by the attribute name (e.g.: nounderline or nobold).

To disable all previous attributes use the reset keyword.

For example:


prints text twice, first in a bold underlined bright red, and then in a bold bright red (no underline), disabling all attributes afterwards.

Use the special fgreset and bgreset keywords to set the foreground and background color respectively to the default terminal value. For example:


prints text in blue on a red background, and then resets the background color (keeping the foreground color).

b) A number in the range 0-255 (256-colors). E.g.:


c) A # followed by either a three or six digits hexadecimal number. E.g.:


Attribute names can be used in all the three cases. E.g.:


A single attribute can also be added via a character prefix followed by a colon (:).

Prefix Description
b Bold
d Dim
i Italic
k bacKground
n Normal/reset
r Reverse
s Strike
u Underline

For example:

%{d:red} # for dimmed red
%{u:#ff0000} # for underlined red

To specify two or more attributes use the standalone attribute names. E.g.:


To specify a background color (instead of foreground), use the k: prefix. E.g.:


will print underlined red on a blue background.

Writing a prefix in uppercase turns off only the corresponding attribute (unlike n, which turns off all attributes). For example:


will print text twice, first in bold red on a blue background, and then in red (no bold) keeping the blue background.
Note that N sets the foreground color to the default terminal value, while K sets the background color to the default terminal value.

By default, for example, clifm's prompt line is this:

Code string Look
%{reset}\I[\S%{reset}]\l \A \u:\H %{cyan}\w%{reset}\n<\z%{reset}> %{blue}\$%{reset} prompt

A more "classic" prompt can be built as follows:

%{green}\u@\h %{blue}\w%{reset}> 

c. Prompt modules and command substitution

Since escape codes are limited and internal to Clifm, prompt modules and command substitution are designed to provide external information to the prompt.

While command substitution work much like in regular shells, invoking shell commands (e.g. $(uname -s)), prompt modules are programs/scripts located in the plugins directory (either local or system wide).

To run a prompt module write ${NAME}. For example, to run the git prompt module: ${m_git_prompt_status}. Clifm will look for this module in the local plugins directory (~/.config/clifm/plugins), and, if not found, in the data directory (usually, /usr/local/share/clifm/plugins).

Note that you can also run a prompt module using command substitution, in which case you need to indicate the path to the module. For example, instead of


you can write


By way of example, you can build a classic prompt using command substitution as follows:

$(whoami)@$(hostname) $(pwd)>

If you want to add git status information to this prompt, use the git prompt module:

$(whoami)@$(hostname) $(pwd) (${m_git_prompt_status})>

3. Advanced prompt customization

Besides commands substitution, which allows you to include in the prompt any information you like via shell scripts or simple shell commands, the use of Unicode characters allows you to build colorful and modern prompts.

Inserting Unicode characters in the prompt can be made in two ways:

a) Pasting the character itself using a text editor
b) Entering the octal code corresponding to the character. Use hexdump as follows to get the appropriate code:

echo -ne "[paste the char here]" | hexdump -c

The output will be something along these lines:

00000000  256 234 356                                          |...|

In this case, the octal code is: 256 234 356. So, to insert this Unicode character in the prompt, add this code as follows:

Prompt="... \256\234\356 ..."

Note: Make sure you have installed a font able to display Unicode characters.

A few examples:

Name Look
Arctic particles artic
Fireplace fireplace
Stain spot
Green beret green-beret
Cold winter cold-winter

The code for each of these prompts can be found in the prompts file. To try them out you can use the prompt command, for example, prompt Stain.

Note: Some of these prompts require a patched Nerdfont.

A simple use case for the files statistics escape codes

We all want to keep our systems safe. One of the many ways to get a bit of safety is by checking that there is no file in our file system that could somehow compromise our machines. SUID, SGID, executable, and world-writable files are to be count among these dangers.1 This is why it could be useful to build a little files scanner for our prompt using the above mentioned files statistics escape codes. This is the code for our scanner:


By adding this code to our prompt line, we get something like this:


This tells us that in the current directory we have 24 SUID files (printed in bold red), 2 SGID files (bold yellow), no world-writable file, and 2389 executable files.

NOTE: A predefined prompt with this files scanner integrated can be found in the prompts.clifm file.

NOTE 2: Most of the information these escape codes rely on depends on stat(3). Now, since stat(3) is not used when running in light mode (for performance reasons), this information won't be available in light mode either.

1 See our resources page.

4. Prompt notifications

By default, clifm prints a few notification marks at the left of the prompt:

Mark Default Color Description
R red Clifm is running as root
* green There are selected files
T yellow There are trashed files
S blue Clifm is running in stealth mode
E red Error message
W yellow Warning message
N green A simple notice

5. The warning prompt

The suggestions system includes a secondary, warning prompt, used to highlight wrong/invalid/non-existent command names. Once an invalid command is entered, the regular prompt will be switched to the warning prompt and the whole input line will turn dimmed red (though it can be customized to fit your needs).

The wrong command name check is omitted if the input string:

  • Is quoted (e.g.: "string" or 'string')
  • Is bracketed (e.g.: (string), [string], or {string})
  • It starts with a stream redirection character (e.g.: <string or >string)
  • Is a comment (e.g.: #string)
  • It starts with one or more spaces
  • Is an assignment (e.g.: foo=var)
  • It is escaped (e.g.: \string)

The warning prompt could be customized by means of the same rules used by the regular prompt. To use a custom warning prompt modify the WarningPrompt line in the prompts file.1 It defaults to \[\e[0;2;31m\](!) > : the last line of the regular prompt will become "(!) > ", printed in a dimmed red color, including the input string.

To disable this feature use the --no-warning-prompt command line option or set the WarningPrompt option to false in prompts file.

NOTE: Bear in mind that the warning prompt depends on the suggestions system, so that it won't be available if this system is disabled.

6. The right prompt

The right prompt is just like the regular prompt, but printed on the right side of the screen. A few caveats:

  1. Right prompts only work with multiline regular prompts (in the case of a single line regular prompt, the right prompt is not printed).
  2. Multiple lines are not supported by right prompts (only the first line will be printed).
  3. If the decoded right prompt exceeds the amount of available terminal columns, the prompt is not printed.

For a concrete usage example see the info prompt in the prompts file.

The dividing line

This is the line dividing the current list of files and the prompt (see the interface section). It can be customized via the DividingLine option in the current color scheme file to fit your prompt design and/or color scheme.

DividingLine accepts one or more ASCII or Unicode characters (in both cases you only need to type/paste here the chosen character(s)).

If only one character is specified (by default, "-"), it will be repeatedly printed to fulfill the current line up to the edge of the screen or terminal window.

If you don't want to cover the whole line, specify two or more characters, in which case only these characters (and no more) will be used as dividing line. For example: "------->", or "💀💀💀💀".

To use an empty line, set DividingLine to "0" (as a character, not as a number).

Finally, if this value is not set (or set to an empty string), a special line drawn with box-drawing characters will be used (bow-drawing characters are not supported by all terminal emulators).

The color of this line is set via the dl color code in the color scheme file. Consult the colors section for more information.

FZF window

Refer to the TAB completion page.


By default, no Unicode characters are used to build the clifm interface. However, this is not a technical limitation, but a design decision (mainly for portability reasons). Indeed, you can easily get a more sleek and modern interface by tweaking a few values. For example:


To get this look, we have only changed three values in our color scheme file (cs edit or F8):

  1. Use box drawing characters (not supported by all terminals) instead of an ASCII dash (-) to construct the dividing line:

Note: Unicode characters can also be used, for example, DividingLine="─", or, if you are in a good mood, DividingLine="😎".

  1. Change the prompt to a Unicode one (in this case curves). See the prompt section for more information.
  1. If FzfPreview is enabled, remove the --no-unicode option from FfzTabOptions (bottom of the color scheme file) to tell fzf to draw the preview window using Unicode characters.

Note: Here we are using TAB completion in fzf mode with file previews enabled and image preview support.

Note 2: To add icons, please consult the icons section.

Files listing

Since this is file manager, listing files is one of the most important aspects of clifm. Unlike most terminal file managers out there, clifm does not make use of any menu-based interface (traditionally curses based): it rather lists files as any other files listing utility for the terminal (notably ls(1)) would do, using colors for different file types and ELN's (entry list numbers) for each listed file.

Almost every aspect of the list of files can be customized to make this list look and behave as you want.

Feature Default value Command line option Config file option Command Keybinding
List mode Vertical list (ls-like) -H, --horizontal-list ListingMode
Max file names length unset MaxFilenameLen
Display ELN's true --no-eln
Columns enabled --no-columns cl, columns
Colors enabled --no-colors ColorScheme cs, colorscheme
Count files in directories enabled --no-files-counter FilesCounter fc
Directories first true -f, --no-dirs-first, and -F, --dirs-first ListDirsFirst ff, dirs-first Alt-g
Icons disabled --icons Icons icons
Sorting method name -z, --sort Sort, SortReverse st, sort Alt-z, Alt-x
Case (in)sensitive list Insensitive -i, --no-case-sensitive, and -I, --case-sensitive CaseSensitiveList
Hidden files Not shown -a, --no-hidden, and -A, --show-hidden ShowHiddenFiles hh, hidden Alt-i, Alt-.
Long/detail view normal view -L, --long-view LongView ll Alt-l
Filter files No filter Filter ft, filter
Max displayed files No limit --max-files MaxFiles mf

Refer to the following sections for more information about each of these options: Command line options, Configuration file options, Commands, and Keybindings.

Available list modes

Vertical list (ls-like) Horizontal list
vlist hlist


Clifm ships these keybindings by default. However, they can be freely modified using the kb edit command (or pressing F9) or editing the keybindings file to your liking. See the files section.

The GNU emacs notation is the main way to setup your keybindings. For example, \C-a for Control-A or \C-\M-x for Control-Alt-X.

When special keys like function or arrow keys are involved, the thing is a bit more tricky. Since clifm does not depend on the curses library, keybindings are set up via ANSI escape codes, for example, \[17~ for F6 key. The two main difficulties with ANSI escape codes are: 1) They are not intuitive at all, and 2) They vary depending on the terminal emulator used. This is why we provide a plugin (kbgen) to more easily configure your keybindings.

The plugin can be found in the plugins directory as a C source file. The first step, therefore, is to compile this source file to produce a binary file. Compile as follows:

gcc -o kbgen kbgen.c -lcurses

Note: Depending on your system, you might need to compile against the curses library using lncurses instead of lcurses.

Now, run the plugin entering ./kbgen. Use either octal, hexadecimal codes or symbols. Example: For F12 kbgen will print the following lines:

Hex  | Oct  | Symbol
---- | ---- | ------
\x1b | \033 | ESC (\e)
\x5b | \133 | [
\x32 | \062 | 2
\x34 | \064 | 4
\x7e | \176 | ~

In this case, supposing you want to use F12 to open the configuration file, the keybinding would be any of the following:

open-config:\x1b\x5b\x32\x34\x7e (Hex)
open-config:\033\133\062\064\176 (Oct)
open-config:\e[24~ (Symbol)

NOTE: You can also try this program, but it only provides hex codes for the corresponding key presses.

Readline keybindings

Keybindings provided by readline (e.g. Ctrl-a, to move the cursor to the beginning of the line, or Ctrl-e, to move it to the end) are controlled via a custom configuration file to prevent conflicts with clifm's own keybindings. This file, readline.clifm, is located in the main configuration directory (usually, ~/.config/clifm) and can be customized using the same rules used by readline's inputrc file. See

If this file cannot not be found for any reason, readline falls back to ~/.inputrc, and then to /etc/inputrc.

Keybindings for plugins

Clifm provides sixteen customizable keybindings for custom plugins. The procedure for setting a keybinding for a plugin is the following:

1) Copy your plugin to the plugins directory (or use any of the plugins already in there)

2) Link pluginx (where x is the plugin number [1-16]) to your plugin using the actions edit command. For example:

3) Set a keybinding for pluginx using the kb edit command. For example: plugin1:\M-7, that is to say, Alt-7.

For a concrete example take a look at this discussion.

In case of issues, consult the keybindings issues section.

Custom commands

Before running a command, clifm checks first for aliases, then for user defined actions (plugins), then for internal commands, and finally for external commands. This means that you can make use of aliases and plugins to build custom commands, even overriding internal and external commands themselves. Let's, for example, build a custom copy command named c (overriding thereby the internal c command, also used to copy files).

We need two things:

  1. The actual code for our command (namely a shell script).
  2. A way to invoke it.

1. Writing our command

In this example case, we have a simple shell script, but it might be basically whatever you want and written in any language you like.


printf "Copying %s to %s\n" "$1" "$2"
cp -- "$1" "$2"

Name this file (it could be whatever you want though) and place it in the plugins directory, usually ~/.config/clifm/plugins.

2. Invoking our command

2.a. Via an alias

Open the configuration file and, in the aliases section, add this line:

alias c='~/.config/clifm/plugins/'

For more information about aliases consult the aliases section.

2.b. Via a plugin

Run actions edit to open the actions file and add this line:

Note the in this case it is not necessary to specify the path to our script, since the actions function will automatically look for it in the actions directory.

For more information about plugins, consult the plugins section.


Aliases are another way of customization, though this time we are customizing, not interface, graphical elements, but commands. Much like in traditional shells, clifm allows you to set aliases for any command, be it internal or external.

1. Listing aliases

To list available aliases run alias.
To get information about some specific alias enter alias MY_ALIAS_NAME.

2. Adding new aliases

To create a new alias, add it to the configuration file as follows:

  1. Open the configuration file, either by entering edit or pressing F10.

  2. Add a new alias using the POSIX syntax for the alias shell command:

alias myalias='command arguments'

or, to alias a file or directory name:

alias myalias='/path/to/file'

After saving the file (clifm automatically updates aliases and settings), you can run your alias as any other command. For example:

cd myalias` (or just `myalias`)


myalias some_extra_argument

Bear in mind that when adding arguments to an alias they will be appended to the aliased command.

A nice and neat way of using aliases is aliasing those directories or files you use the most, ideally, using a one character alias:

alias a='/my/very/important/directory'

Afterwards, access your top directory by entering the corresponding alias, in this case, a

3. Importing aliases

You can also import aliases from the system using the import subcommand as follows:

alias import FILE

where FILE can be any file containing aliases defined according to the POSIX specification for the alias shell command. You usually want some of the below, depending on your shell:

Shell Command
Bash alias import ~/.bashrc
ZSH alias import ~/.zshrc
Fish alias import ~/.config/fish/

Note: When creating aliases always make sure they won't conflict with other commands. Since aliases are evaluated before command names as such, aliases has priority over them. If you set an alias named c, for example, you won't be able to use the c command, unless you create another alias for this latter, say cc or whatever alias you prefer.

Profile and prompt commands

Clifm allows you to automatically run shell commands in two different ways:

  1. Via profile commands (in which case commands will be executed at startup, even before listing files):

Open the profile file ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME/clifm/profiles/PROFILE/profile.clifm) and add there whatever shell command you want, for example:

echo "This is a profile command"
  1. Via prompt commands (unlike profile commands, they will executed immediately before each new prompt):

Open the main configuration file (edit or F10) and add your command preceded by the promptcmd keyword. For example:

promptcmd if [ "$PWD" == "/home/user/Downloads" ]; then printf "Welcome to my Downloads directory"; fi

A nice example of the usage of prompt commands is provided by the git integration procedure.

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