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pipeline for using ribosomal flanking regions to improve bacterial genome assembly


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riboSeed Pipeline

Impatient? See our Quickstart Guide

A brief overview of the theory can be found here.

The riboSeed manuscript can be found here.


Nicholas R Waters, Florence Abram, Fiona Brennan, Ashleigh Holmes, Leighton Pritchard;
riboSeed: leveraging prokaryotic genomic architecture to assemble across ribosomal regions,
Nucleic Acids Research, gky212,

Interested in the figures/tables/analyses in the manuscript? See the README in the scripts dir.

Table of Contents

Reference Selection

riboSeed requires an appropriate reference genome for the de fere novo assembly. We recommend using PlentyOfBugs., which simplifies this process by comparing a preliminary assembly of your isolate to existing reference genomes.

Before We Start

Please back up any and all data used, and work within a virtualenv.

Genome assembly gobbles RAM. If you, like me, are working on a 4gb RAM lappy, don't run riboSeed in parallel and instead run in series by using the --serialize option. That should prevent you from running out of RAM during the final SPAdes calls.


riboSeed is an supplemental assembly refinement method to try to address the issue of multiple ribosomal regions in a genome, as these create repeats unresolvable by short read sequencing. It takes advantage of the fact that while each region is identical, the regions flanking are unique, and therefore can potentially be used to seed an assembly in such a way that rDNA regions are bridged.

For a description of each submodule, follow the links below to the readthedocs manual page.


De fere novo assembly



Docker (recommended!)

riboSeed can be run as a docker container, as follows

docker run -it --rm  -v $PWD:/data/ nickp60/riboseed:latest run -r  /data/<path to reference file>  -S1 /data/<path to reads> -o /data/<path to desired output>
# for instance,
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/data/  nickp60/riboseed:0.4.90 run -r  /data/tests/references/contigs.fasta  -S1 /data/tests/references/toy_reads1.fq -o /data/dockertest/

-it helps deal with managing messages between the container and the host, and --rm deletes the container as it exits. -v sets volumes to allow a bridge between the container and the host.

From conda

Conda is a cross-platform, cross-language package management system. If you haven't already installed conda, follow these instructions here, and install the python3 version. Once you have that done, install riboSeed and all of its dependencies with one command:

conda create --name ribo_env riboseed
source activate ribo_env

(Note the lowercase "s")

From GitHub

You can also clone this repository, and run python install.


Python requirements can be found in the requirements.txt file.

External Requirements

External requirements can be found in the environment.yml, and can be used to create a conda environment: (conda env create -f environment.yml)

NOTE: barrnap has certain Perl requirements that may not be included on your machine. Ensure barrnap runs fine before trying ribo snag. Or try python barrnap.

Suggested Running

The ribo run command orchestrates the most commonly used sequence of calls to scan, select, seed, sketch, score, and so on.

usage: ribo run [-r reference.fasta] -c config_file [-o /output/dir/]
                [-n experiment_name] [-K {bac,euk,arc,mito}] [-S 16S:23S:5S]
                [--clusters str] [-C str] [-F reads_F.fq] [-R reads_R.fq]
                [-S1 reads_S.fq] [-s int]
                [--ref_as_contig {ignore,infer,trusted,untrusted}] [--linear]
                [-j] [--score] [-l int] [-k 21,33,55,77,99,127]
                [--force_kmers] [-p 21,33,55,77,99] [-d int] [--clean_temps]
                [-i int] [-v {1,2,3,4,5}] [--cores int] [--memory int]
                [--damn_the_torpedos] [-t {1,2,4}] [-z] [-h] [--version]

Run the riboSeed pipeline of scan, select, seed, sketch, and score. Uses a
config file to wrangle all the args not available via these commandline args.
This can either be run by providing (as minimum) a reference, some reads, and
an output directory; or, if you have a completed config file, you can run it
with just that.

optional arguments:
  -r reference.fasta, --reference_fasta reference.fasta
                        path to a (multi)fasta or a directory containing one
                        or more chromosomal sequences in fasta format.
                        Required, unless using a config file
  -c config_file, --config config_file
                        config file; if none given, create one; default:
  -o /output/dir/, --output /output/dir/
                        output directory; default: /home/nicholas/GitHub/riboS
  -n experiment_name, --experiment_name experiment_name
                        prefix for results files; default: inferred
  -K {bac,euk,arc,mito}, --Kingdom {bac,euk,arc,mito}
                        whether to look for eukaryotic, archaeal, or bacterial
                        rDNA; default: bac
  -S 16S:23S:5S, --specific_features 16S:23S:5S
                        colon:separated -- specific features; default:
  --clusters str        number of rDNA clusters;if submitting multiple
                        records, must be a colon:separated list whose length
                        matches number of genbank records. Default is inferred
                        from specific feature with fewest hits
  -C str, --cluster_file str
                        clustered_loci file output from riboSelect;this is
                        created by default from run_riboSeed, but if you don't
                        agree with the operon structure predicted by
                        riboSelect, you can use your alternate clustered_loci
                        file. default: None
  -F reads_F.fq, --fastq1 reads_F.fq
                        path to forward fastq file, can be compressed
  -R reads_R.fq, --fastq2 reads_R.fq
                        path to reverse fastq file, can be compressed
  -S1 reads_S.fq, --fastq_single1 reads_S.fq
                        path to single fastq file
  -s int, --score_min int
                        If using smalt, this sets the '-m' param; default with
                        smalt is inferred from read length. If using BWA,
                        reads mapping with ASscore lower than this will be
                        rejected; default with BWA is half of read length
  --ref_as_contig {ignore,infer,trusted,untrusted}
                        ignore: reference will not be used in subassembly.
                        trusted: SPAdes will use the seed sequences as a
                        --trusted-contig; untrusted: SPAdes will treat as
                        --untrusted-contig. infer: if mapping percentage over
                        80%, 'trusted'; else 'untrusted'. See SPAdes docs for
                        details. default: infer
  --linear              if genome is known to not be circular and a region of
                        interest (including flanking bits) extends past
                        chromosome end, this extends the seqence past
                        chromosome origin forward by --padding; default: False
  --subassembler {spades,skesa}
                        assembler to use for subassembly scheme. SPAdes is
                        used by default, but Skesa is a new addition that
                        seems to work for subassembly and is faster
   -j, --just_seed       Don't do an assembly, just generate the long read
                        'seeds'; default: False
  --score               run riboScore too! default: False
  -l int, --flanking_length int
                        length of flanking regions, in bp; default: 1000
  -k 21,33,55,77,99,127, --kmers 21,33,55,77,99,127
                        kmers used for final assembly, separated by commas
                        such as21,33,55,77,99,127. Can be set to 'auto', where
                        SPAdes chooses. We ensure kmers are not too big or too
                        close to read length; default: 21,33,55,77,99,127
  --force_kmers         skip checking to see if kmerchoice is appropriate to
                        read length. Sometimes kmers longer than reads can
                        help in the final assembly, as the long reads
                        generated by riboSeed contain kmers longer than the
                        read length
  -p 21,33,55,77,99, --pre_kmers 21,33,55,77,99
                        kmers used during seeding assemblies, separated bt
                        commas; default: 21,33,55,77,99
  -d int, --min_flank_depth int
                        a subassembly won't be performed if this minimum depth
                        is not achieved on both the 3' and5' end of the
                        pseudocontig. default: 0
  --clean_temps         if --clean_temps, mapping files will be removed once
                        they are no no longer needed during the mapping
                        iterations to save space; default: False
  -i int, --iterations int
                        if iterations>1, multiple seedings will occur after
                        subassembly of seed regions; if setting --target_len,
                        seedings will continue until --iterations are
                        completed or --target_len is matched or exceeded;
                        default: 3
  -v {1,2,3,4,5}, --verbosity {1,2,3,4,5}
                        Logger writes debug to file in output dir; this sets
                        verbosity level sent to stderr. 1 = debug(), 2 =
                        info(), 3 = warning(), 4 = error() and 5 = critical();
                        default: 2
  --cores int           cores used; default: None
  --memory int          cores for multiprocessing; default: 8
  --damn_the_torpedos   Ignore certain errors, full speed ahead!
  -t {1,2,4}, --threads {1,2,4}
                        if your cores are hyperthreaded, set number threads to
                        the number of threads per processer.If unsure, see
                        'cat /proc/cpuinfo' under 'cpu cores', or 'lscpu'
                        under 'Thread(s) per core'.: 1
  -z, --serialize       if --serialize, runs seeding and assembly without
                        multiprocessing. We recommend this for machines with
                        less than 8GB RAM: False
  -h, --help            Displays this help message
  --version             show program's version number and exit


Pull requests are more than welcome!

Known Bugs

X server

You may run into issues where you get an error about "Unable to connect to X server: None" or localhost:N. Sorry about that; any tips would be useful; a quick glance at the commit history will show I have spent much time trying to resolve it, without any luck. If you do run into this, try the following:

  • connect to the machine with an X session (ssh -X hostname)
  • avoid using gnu screen if possible, but if you do need to use it, start the screen session after ensuring you have a $DISPLAY availible through starting the host session with -X

Pysam on MacOS

If you are on MacOS, you may run into an issue with Pysam.

ImportError: dlopen(/Users/nicholas/miniconda3/envs/ribo/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pysam/, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/liblzma.5.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/nicholas/miniconda3/envs/ribo/lib/libhts.2.dylib
  Reason: Incompatible library version: libhts.2.dylib requires version 8.0.0 or later, but liblzma.5.dylib provides version 6.0.0

The simplest solution is to pip instal pysam, forcing the original to be overwritten:

pip install pysam -U

In cases where this does not work, try installing by first making a conda env with the environment.yaml file, and then installing riboSeed from pip.

conda env create -y environment.yaml
source activate ribo
pip install riboSeed

If you run into malloc issues similar to ablab/spades#9, we recommend running in a VM.

smalt scoring

Submitting --smalt_scoring with vastly different scoring schemes usually causes an error.

Running Tests

The tests for the module can be found under the tests directory. I run them with the unittests module. The tests assume the installation of all the recommended tools.