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Kai edited this page Oct 20, 2013 · 1 revision

Installation Guide

Installing the openHAB runtime

The openHAB runtime comes as a platform-independent zip file. To install and configure it, follow these simple steps:

  1. Unzip the openhab-runtime-<version>.zip to some directory, e.g. C:\openhab resp. /opt/openhab.
  2. Create a personal configuration file by copying the file configurations/openhab_default.cfg to configurations/openhab.cfg.
  3. Edit the openhab.cfg file according to your personal needs.
  4. Launch the runtime by executing the script start.bat resp.

Add optional bundles to your runtime

In the download sections, you will find a couple of jar-files, which are optional bundles that can be used with the openHAB runtime. Some of them have to be distributed separately due to license restrictions (e.g. the KNX binding bundle), some are only relevant for a small group of users (e.g. the Dropbox IO bundle). To add those bundles to your runtime installation, simply copy them into the addons folder.

Installing the openHAB designer

The openHAB designer comes as a platform-dependent zip, so choose the right one for your platform. To install it, follow these simple steps:

  1. Unzip the openhab-designer-<platform>-<version>.zip to some directory, e.g. C:\openhab-designer resp. /opt/openhab-designer
  2. Launch it by the executable openhab-designer.exe
  3. Select the "configurations" folder of your runtime installation in the folder dialog that is shown when selecting the "open folder" toolbar icon.





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