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dakalff edited this page Nov 22, 2013 · 4 revisions

Documentation of the VDR Binding Bundle


If you have any suggestions or questions don't hesitate to contact me (iwow) or use the openHAB google group.

For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.

Generic Item Binding Configuration

In order to bind an item to a VDR, you need to provide configuration settings. The easiest way to do so is to add some binding information in your item file (in the folder configurations/items). The syntax for the VDR binding configuration string is explained here:


The parts in brackets [] signify an optional information.

Command must be one of the following:

  • message: show message on OSD; must be bound to a String item
  • powerOff: switch VDR off (same as hit power on remote control); must be bound to a Switch item
  • recording: recording state; must be bound to a Switch item
  • channel: channel up / down; can be bound to a Switch item(ON=increase, OFF=decrease) or a number item
  • volume: volume up / down; can be bound to a Switch item (ON=increase, OFF=decrease) or a number item (value between 0 and 255)

The VDR-Id corresponds to the configuration in openhab.cfg where one has to configure the VDRs. Which looks like this


Here are some examples for valid binding configuration strings:

For an SwitchItem:


For a StringItem:


As a result, your lines in the items file might look like the following:

Switch VDR_LivingroomPower          "VDR (livingroom) Power"          (VDR) {vdr="LivingRoom:powerOff",wol="" }
String VDR_LivingroomOSDMessage     "VDR (livingroom) OSD message"           {vdr="LivingRoom:message"}
Switch VDR_LivingroomChannelUpDown	"VDR Livingroom Channel Up/Down"  (VDR)  {vdr="LivingRoom:channel"}
Number VDR_LivingroomChannel        "VDR Livingroom Channel"          (VDR)  {vdr="LivingRoom:channel"}
Switch VDR_LivingroomVolumnUpDown	"VDR Livingroom Volumn Up/Down"   (VDR)  {vdr="LivingRoom:volumn"}
Number VDR_LivingroomVolume         "VDR Livingroom Volume"           (VDR)  {vdr="LivingRoom:volume"}
Switch VDR_LivingroomRecording      "VDR (livingroom) Recording"      (VDR)  {vdr="LivingRoom:recording"}

Relationship to other openHAB modules

Together with other bindings (e.g. NetworkHealthBinding, WoLBinding) and the openHAB rule engine you can realize different use-cases.

Switch VDR PC on if TV switch on:

(requires TV with LAN connection)

First you need two items with NetworkHealthBinding

Switch TV_PowerState                "TV Power State"     (VDR)   {nh="" }
Switch VDR_LIVINGROOM_POWER_STATUS  "VDR Power Status"   (VDR)   {nh="" } 

A rule for the openHAB rule engine (not drools) can look like this:

rule CheckTVStateOn
	Item TV_PowerState changed to ON
    	sendCommand(VDR_Livingroom_POWER, ON);

Switch VDR PC off if TV switch off:

Same requirements and prerequisites as VDR PC on use-case above.

A rule for the openHAB rule engine (not drools) can look like this:

rule CheckTVStateOff
	Item TV_PowerState changed to OFF
		if (VDR_LivingroomRecording?.state==OFF) {
    		sendCommand(VDR_Livingroom_POWER, OFF);





Release Notes

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