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digitalSTROM Binding
Documentation of the digitalSTROM binding bundle
digitalSTROM binding bundle is available as a separate (optional) download. If you want to let openHAB communicate with digitalSTROM DSS11 server, please place this bundle in the folder ${openhab_home}/addons and add binding information to your configuration.
For installation of the binding, please see Wiki page Bindings.
- Unzip DigitalSTROM_OPENHAB_ADD-ON.zip
- copy "openhab/openhab.js" to your dss server "/usr/share/dss/add-ons/"
- copy "openhab.xml" to your dss server "/usr/share/dss/data/subscriptions.d/"
DigitalSTROM JSON service interface is limited to HTTPS protocol. For security reason, we need to create a self signed cetificate with correct given hostname. To do so, follow these steps:
1. openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 1024
2. chmod 400 privkey.pem
3. openssl req -new -key privkey.pem -out certreq.csr
Enter your details:
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: DE // not important
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: NRW // not important
Locality Name (eg, city) []: Gummersbach // not important
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: dss.local // network name of your dss, important
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: dss.local // network name of your dss, important
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []: dss.local // network name of your dss, important
Email Address []: // not important
Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: // not important, press enter
An optional company name []: // not important, press enter
4. openssl x509 -req -days 9000 -in certreq.csr -signkey privkey.pem -out dsscert.pem
5. cat privkey.pem >> dsscert.pem
Copy the newly generated certificate onto your digitalSTROM server and import it to java trusted store of your openHAB server by using java keytool.
Keytool usage:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -importcert -alias <some descriptive name> -keystore <path to keystore> -file <certificate file>
Keytool usage example (OS X):
sudo keytool -importcert -alias DSS -keystore /System/Library/Java/Support/CoreDeploy.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/security/cacerts -file dss.local.pem
The following config params are used for the digitalSTROM binding.
- (optional) digitalstrom:refreshinterval Refresh interval (defaults to 1000 ms)
- digitalstrom:uri Hostname / IP address and port of the digitalSTROM server (dSS)
- (optional) digitalstrom:connectTimeout Connect timeout (defaults to 4000 ms)
- (optional) digitalstrom:readTimeout Connect timeout (defaults to 10000 ms)
- digitalstrom:loginToken To login without a user and password; loginToken must be enabled once
- digitalstrom:user
- digitalstrom:password To login with username and password; default username and password is dssadmin If you have loginToken and username with password the loginToken will be prefered by default
Obtaining loginToken
Point your browser to https://dss.local:8080/json/system/requestApplicationToken?applicationName=openHAB
Store the result in openhab.cfg file
After receiving the application token you need to enable it in your digitalSTROM configurator under System -> Zugriffsberechtigung
################################ digitalSTROM Binding #################################
# Refresh interval (defaults to 1000 ms)
# Hostname / IP address and port of the digitalSTROM server (dSS)
# Connect timeout (defaults to 4000 ms)
# Connect timeout (defaults to 10000 ms)
# to login without a user and password; loginToken must be enabled once
# to login with username and password; default user is dssadmin and default password is dssadmin
# if you have loginToken and username with password the loginToken will be prefered by default
In order to bind an item to a digitalSTROM device you need to provide configuration settings. The simplest way is:
digitalstrom="dsid:<digitalSTROM device id>" //device with example dsid (You can also use the shorter dsid, known as S.N: xxxxxxxx (8 letters) )
Thats it! It's enough to control a device.
Switch Light_GF_Corridor_Ceiling "Ceiling" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
Dimmer Light_GF_Living_Table "Table" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living "Livingroom" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
All syntax keywords for the digitalSTROM are explained here:
: // to refer a value to a key
# // separator for the next key-value pair
dsid // digitalSTROM device id
dsmid // digitalSTROM meter id (dSM)
consumption // optional for metering
timeinterval // timeinterval to initiate a metering job
context // in some cases use context:
zoneid // only in combination with a NumberItem or StringItem for apartment or zone calls
groupid // only in combination with a NumberItem or StringItem for apartment or zone calls
slat // important if it's a roller shutter: to have a item to control the slats
awning // important for roller shutter: if it's a marquee/awning to show the right icon -> open-close
apartment // in combination with a Number- or StringItem to make apartment calls
zone // in combination with a Number- or StringItem to make zone calls
ACTIVE_POWER // in use with a device or meter -> current power consumption (w)
OUTPUT_CURRENT // only in use with a device -> amperage (mA)
ELECTRIC_METER // only in use with a meter (wh)
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living "Livingroom" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
in case of marquee/awning add context param "awning"
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living "Livingroom" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001#context:awning"}
for up and down use
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living_UP_DOWN "Livingroom UP/DOWN" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
add second item to adjuste the slats (use the same dsid)
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living_UP_DOWN "Livingroom UP/DOWN" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001#context:slat"}
To call apartment or zone scenes use number- or string item in the .items file:
Number|String Apartment_Scene "Apartment Scene" {digitalstrom="context:apartment"}
Number|String All_Apartment_Lights "All lights" {digitalstrom="context:apartment#groupid:1"} //optional add groupid
Number|String Zone_Scene "Room Scene" {digitalstrom="context:zone#zoneid:65535"}
Number|String All_Zone_Lights "All room lights" {digitalstrom="context:zone#zoneid:65535#groupid:1"} //optional add groupid
and in .sitemap add mappings: Selection item=Apartment_Scene label="Apartment Scene Selection" mappings=[65=Panik, 72=Gehen] // here you have to use the right (a valid) sceneID
Switch item=Zone_Scene label="Room Scene" mappings=[14=On, 13=Off] // here you have to use the right (a valid) sceneID
To poll and e.g. persist/visualize the curent power consumption (ACTIVE_POWER) you should use string- or number items.
Number Power_Consumption_TV "TV [%d W]" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001#consumption:ACTIVE_POWER#timeinterval:60000"} // read device power consumption every 60 seconds
Be aware! Your system will work very slow on sensor reading!
Rule 8 "Application processes that do automatic cyclic reads or writes of device parameters are subject to a request limit: at maximum one request per minute and circuit is allowed."(digitalSTROM: [p.36)
Rule 9 "Application processes that do automatic cyclic reads of measured values are subject to a request limit: at maximum one request per minute and circuit is allowed."(digitalSTROM: http://developer.digitalstrom.org/Architecture/ds-basics.pdf p.36)
Number Consumption_dSM "dSM [%d W]" {digitalstrom="dsmid:3504175fe000001000000001#consumption:ACTIVE_POWER#timeinterval:3000"} // read power consumption every 3 seconds (it 'works' because here we read cached values)
Number Consumption_House "Total house consumption [%s W]" {digitalstrom="dsmid:ALL#consumption:ACTIVE_POWER#timeinterval:3000"}
The timeinterval only initiates a metering job, but you don't have the guarantee that the worker will start it in this time!
You should better not read the consumption of a device, but of meters(dSMs).
In the first time the system learns, how to react on specific scene calls (sensor reading). But after some time it will work fast!
- Support
- News Archive
- Presentations
- How to Contribute
- IDE Setup
- How to Implement a Binding
- How to Implement an Actions
- User Interfaces
- Classic UI
- iOS Client
- Android Client
- GreenT UI
- CometVisu
- Bindings
- Asterisk Binding
- Bluetooth Binding
- Comfo Air Binding
- CUPS Binding
- digitalSTROM Binding
- DMX512 Binding
- EnOcean Binding
- Epson Projector Binding
- Exec Binding
- Fritz!Box Binding
- Fritz AHA Binding
- Heatmiser Binding
- Homematic Binding
- HTTP Binding
- IHC / ELKO Binding
- Insteon Hub Binding
- KNX Binding
- Koubachi Binding
- MAX!Cube-Binding
- MiLight Binding
- Modbus TCP Binding
- MPD Binding
- MQTT Binding
- Network Health Binding
- Nibe Heatpump Binding
- Nikobus Binding
- Novelan/Luxtronic Heatpump Binding
- NTP Binding
- One-Wire Binding
- Onkyo AV Receiver Binding
- OpenSprinkler Binding
- OSGi Configuration Admin Binding
- Philips Hue Binding
- Piface Binding
- Pioneer-AVR-Binding
- Plugwise Binding
- PLCBus Binding
- Pulseaudio Binding
- RFXCOM Binding
- Samsung TV Binding
- Serial Binding
- Snmp Binding
- Squeezebox Binding
- System Info Binding
- Somfy URTSI II Binding
- Sonos Binding
- TCP/UDP Binding
- TinkerForge Binding
- VDR Binding
- Wake-on-LAN Binding
- Z-Wave Binding
- Persistence
- db4o Persistence
- rrd4j Persistence
- Sql Persistence
- Sen.Se Persistence
- Cosm Persistence
- Logging Persistence
- Exec Persistence
- Automation
- Scripts
- Rules
- Actions
- Misc
- Security
- Google Calendar Support
- Twitter Action
- Service Discovery
- Dropbox Bundle
- Item definitions
- Sitemap definitions
- Binding configurations
- Rules
- REST Examples
- Tips & Tricks
- XSLT Transforms
- Scripts
- Integration with other applications
- Syntax highlighting for external editors
- Update-Scripts
- Samples-Comfo-Air-Binding
Release Notes