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Application Tab: Map Event Detection Settings

Todd Taylor edited this page Sep 27, 2024 · 4 revisions


  • When changes are made to the detection settings, you'll need to switch back to the Log File Analyzer tab and click the Parse Log(s) Parse Log(s) button, before any changes you made will be reflected in the combat instances list in the Combat List dropdown.
  • Changes are made in real-time, and you don't need to save them to see how they affect the Combat List dropdown.

Interface Layout


  • Export Detection JSON w/indents: You can use this to export your current CombatMapDetectionSettings to a JSON file.

    • The file will be formatted with pretty indentation and line returns for easy viewing.
  • Export Detection JSON: You can use this to export your current CombatMapDetectionSettings to a JSON file.

    • The file will be a single string. It will NOT be formatted with pretty indentation and line returns.
  • Save Changes: This button commits any changes made to the CombatMapDetectionSettings to the application, so they'll be preserved for future application startup.

  • Cancel Changes: This button will revert the CombatMapDetectionSettings to the application default.


  • Version: Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (Major,Minor,Patch) is used to track changes to the JSON file.
  • GenericGroundMap: When a map isn't detected when checking CombatMapEntityList, we use this to determine if the Combat entity is on a ground based map.
  • GenericSpaceMap: When a map isn't detected when checking CombatMapEntityList, we use this to determine if the Combat entity is on a space based map.
  • CombatMapEntityList: The main list of map definitions. This collection is used first when trying to detect a map for a Combat entity.
  • EntityExclusionList: This is used to filter out game entity ids from the map detect process.

Map Detection Logic

See Map Detection

Figure 1: A screen shot of the Detection Settings Editor tab. Detection settingss