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Todd Taylor edited this page Aug 17, 2024 · 65 revisions

Welcome to the wiki for Star Trek Online Combat Analyzer


Star Trek Online Combat Analyzer began as a project to squelch extreme boredom. I had seen videos and various blurbs from other STO players using combat parsers. I was curious, so after a little research, I found the following reddit post concerning the STO combat log file. Reddit Link

It started as a small research project in April 2024, and it's become an app I use constantly to explore my adventures in STO.

Feel free to download and play with the app. See the Installer section if you're interested.

Revision History

Date Version Description
2024-06-24 1.1.0 Added the map detection feature.
2024-06-25 1.1.1 Fixed Issue 1. A couple other minor changes.
2024-06-26 1.1.2 Made some enhancements to the map detection logic.
2024-07-02 1.3.0 Made changes to map detection logic. Added map detection settings editor tab.
2024-07-04 1.3.1 Made some quality of life improvements. Mostly for the detections settings tab.
2024-07-10 1.4.0 Added a new search box to the data grid section of the UI.
2024-07-28 1.5.0 Added a new option in settings. You can choose to combine pet entities in the UI, so it combines pet data by display label, instead of display each by unique id. Also added a pretty new icon.
2024-08-11 1.6.0 Modified current combat entity metrics, and added several more. Current metrics (Damage, DPS, Max Hit, Hull Damage, Shield Damage, Attacks, Crit %, Flank %, Kills, Heals, and HPS).
2024-08-11 1.6.1 Did a little cleanup, and some restyling for the combat entity tree view control.
2024-08-13 1.7.0 Reorganized the UI a bit to improve workflow and layout. Added a couple parameters to support the layout changes.
2024-08-14 1.8.0 Added a feature to event type breakdown section. You can now pick which metric to display in the bar chart.
2024-08-16 1.9.0 Add a new configurable feature to detect player inactive timespans, and apply them to DPS and HPS metrics.
2024-08-17 1.9.1 Fixing a bug introduced in the last release. Had a use case where DPS and HPS calculations were coming back negative.
2024-08-17 1.10.0 I was bored, so I added a new feature to download and install the latest official MapDetectionSettings JSON.


The installer uses Click-Once technology. This means you should only have to download and install this app once.

Thanks to Click-Once technology, the app checks with the server each time it's launched, and gives the user the option to automatically download and update the app in the background. This saves the user from constantly having to manually download and install newer versions.



  • The installer is signed with a test certificate, so Windows will pop up warnings about the installer not be trusted.
  • If you don't have the .NET 8 runtime installed, it will install it for you.


.NET 8 runtime

Quick Start

After successfully building the app from source, or downloading and installed it from above, do the following to get started using the app.

  • Start the application

  • Under the Settings tab, set the following settings:

    • CombatLogPath: Set this to match the STO log folder on your local machine.

      • If you click the select button, a folder select dialog will appear to help you select a folder.
      • If you click the detect button, the application will attempt to get the STO install folder from the windows registry. A dialog box will appear to let you know if it was successful, and will update the field with the STO log folder if it was.
    • CombatLogPathFilePattern: Set a file pattern used to select one or more combat log files.

      • This search pattern supports wildcards, so you can set this to return more then one file.
    • (Optional) MyCharacter: An identifier used to select a player when a new combat instance is chosen.

      • This comes in handy when browsing through multiple combat instances via the Combat List dropdown. For example, I have mine set to @zxeltor so it will pick all of my characters, instead of specific character.
    • (Optional) HowFarBackForCombat: How far back in hours to pull combat log data.

      • Note: Setting this parameter can reduce the time the application takes to parse the STO combat log file(s).
    • (Optional) PurgeCombatLogs: Enable combat log folder purge at application startup.

      • Note: If only one combat log exists, it won't be purged regardless of how old it is.
      • (Optional) Purge Now button: You can click this button to trigger the purge of you log folder.
        • Note: This works regardless of PurgeCombatLogs being enabled, but will use HowLongToKeepLogs to determine what to purge.
      • (Conditional) HowLongToKeepLogs: How long to keep logs in days, before they are purged.
    • (Optional) DebugLogging: Enables debug logging. This also enables/disables a few information dialogs in the UI.

      • Open Log File: This button attempts to open the log file for the application in your default text file viewer/editor.
    • (Optional) DetectionsSettingsVisibleInUi: This is an experimental feature. This makes the Detection Setting Editor tab in the UI visible.

    • (Optional) CombinePets: By default, the application will display each unique pet by it's GameId. This can clutter the pet only display option in the UI. If this is enabled, it groups pets with the same label/type.

    • (Optional) DisplayParseResults: If enabled, a dialog will appear after the Parse Logs button is clicked in the UI, and will display results on what files were parsed and other stats.

    • (Optional) EnableInactiveTimeAdjustments: If enabled, the application will attempt to detect Inactive time(s) for a Player. Inactive time(s) are displayed in the UI, and will be used to adjust DPS and HPS values.

      • (Conditional) MinDelayInSecondsBeforeInactive: A Player needs to be inactive for this many seconds, before a timespan can be marked as Inactive. Inactive means the user was in combat, and not attacking.
  • Switch to the Log File Analyzer tab:

  • Click the Parse Log(s) "Parse Log(s)" button. This parses the STO combat logs. If a failure occurs, there should be details on what to do.

  • After a successful parse, you can choose a combat instance from the Combat Select dropdown.

  • If all goes well, you should see something similar to what's displayed in Figure 1.

Screen Shots

Figure 1: What the UI looks like after a successful parse, and a combat instance was selected in the Combat List dropdown. The main tab

Figure 2: The tools and settings tab The tools and settings tab

Figure 3: Detection Settings Editor tab Detection Settings Editor tab

Figure 4: The about tab The about tab