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Visualising the simulation

han16nah edited this page Feb 21, 2023 · 10 revisions

Visualisation with

HELIOS++ laser scanning simulations can be visualised with the python script located at run/ using the python bindings.

The script takes the same arguments as the HELIOS++ command line call (Optional arguments).

The example below shows how to execute the same survey with the standard command line call, and with the python script and live simulation visualisation.

Command line:

run\helios data\surveys\toyblocks\als_toyblocks.xml --lasOutput


python run\ data\surveys\toyblocks\als_toyblocks.xml --lasOutput -o3d


Upon running the script, a new window opens, which shows the trajectory and the scanned points live using Open3D.


Once the simulation is completed, the window remains open and interactive, allowing the user to take a closer look at the results.

The visualization can be disabled, leaving only the pyhelios simulation itself, using the flag -o3d.

Note requires some additional packages, as you will notice from ImportErrors when starting the script for the first time. We provide a Anaconda/Miniconda environment file in the root directory (conda-environment.yml) to facilitate easy setup. In the Anaconda Command Prompt, navigate to the folder and run:

conda env create -f conda-environment.yml -n pyhelios-environment

to create the environment (here called pyhelios-environment) and then

conda activate pyhelios-environment

to start.

Script is still in development! If you encounter any issues please do not hesitate to create an issue and assign it to github user mark-searle99.