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Spike edited this page Feb 14, 2021 · 12 revisions


Folder structure
Numeric Constants

Folder structure

The folder structure is frankly easy. The following explains each folder and it's use.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Desription
CAMPAIGN This is the base folder containing all campaigns shown in the campaign screen
Folder This is the folder that contains all files for an campaign. The folder name is also the campaign display name. Do not use spaces but instead underscores, they are replaced in the game.
Description.dat This file contains the description shown for your campaign. You have 12 lines with 27 characters each. Only the first 12 lines are read
Mapfile.smf This is a mapfile. Missions are ordered by name, thats why you should prefix them with numbers. The first 3 letters of every mapfile are removed when loading them. Do not use spaces, use underscores instead, they are replaced in the game.
Mapfile.msf This is a map script file. They need to have the same name as the corresponding map.

For the example:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Desription
CAMPAIGN Basefolder
AN_EXAMPLE Campaignfolder. Resulting in the name "An Example" ingame
Description.dat Contains the description shown when the campaign is selected
01_THE_BEGINNING.smf This is the first map shown in the selection screen. It's shown as "The Beginning"
01_THE_BEGINNING.msf This is the scriptfile loaded for the map 01_THE_BEGINNING.smf
02_TO_BATTLE.smf This is the second map shown in the selection screen. It's shown as "To Battle"
02_TO_BATTLE.msf This is the scriptfile loaded for the map 02_TO_BATTLE.smf
03_SWEET_HOME.smf This is the third map shown in the selection screen. It's shown as "Sweet Home"
03_SWEET_HOME.msf This is the scriptfile loaded for the map 03_SWEET_HOME.smf




Events are triggered by different actions. Some may be just happen while a round is in progress, others may occur at the end of a round. Be warned, you may create situations where two events are triggered at the end of a round.

This event is triggered when an army is moved to a specific point. This is mostly used for victory conditions.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
PlayerID This is the ID of the player reaching that point 1
X This is the X-position 10
Y This is the Y-position 10

This event is triggered whenever 2 armies battle each other. This also omits the combat result display (if enabled).

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
PlayerID1 This is the ID of one of the combatants. May also be -1 for any 1
PlayerID2 This is the ID of the other combatant. May also be -1 for any 2
WinnerID This is the ID of the winner. May also be -1 for any 1

This event is triggered whenever a player raises an army and has the required number of armies.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
PlayerID ID of the player who raised hat army 1
SumArmies Number of armies the player needs. Use -1 for any 2

This event is triggered whenever a player attacks a building.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
PlayerID ID of the player who is attacked 2
BuildingID ID of the building that is attacked. Use -1 for any -1
AttackerID ID of the player who attacked the building. Use -1 for any -1

This is triggered whenever a player has finished a specific amount of buildings.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
PlayerID ID of the player who needs the building count 1
BuildingID ID of the building that needs a specific count 1
CountDone Amount of buildings needed 2

This event is triggered whenever a player loses a building.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
PlayerID ID of the player who lost a building. Use -1 for any 1
BuildingID ID of the building that is lost. Use -1 for any -1
AttackerID ID of the player who destroyed the building. Use -1 for any -1

This event is triggered whenever a player places a new building site.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
PlayerID ID of the player who needs the building site 1
BuildingID ID of the building that needs to be placed 1

This event is triggered whenever a player is defeated.
Note: This event is not implemented yet! Open an issue if you need this.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
PlayerID ID of the player who is defeated. Use -1 for any 1
isLast Should there be any players left? O = no, any other = yes 0

This event is triggered whenever 2 events have been triggered. That way you can chain together multiple events.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
EventID1 This is the first event that needs to be triggered 1
EventID2 This is the second event that needs to be triggered 2

This event is triggered when loading a game.
Note: Saving and loading is not implemented!

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1

This event is triggered when the map is loaded.
Note: This event should only trigger setting events, any other event may result in unexpected behavior or crashes!

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 0
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 0

This event is triggered when a specific round starts.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
RoundNo Number of the round at which this event should be triggered 3

This event is triggered when the the game starts the first time, not if it's loaded.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1

This event is triggered when the player clicks on a specific tile.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
X X-position of the tile 10
Y Y-position of the tile 10

This event is triggered whenever a specific amount of ware is exceeded.
Note: This event is not triggered yet. Open an issue if you need this event.

Parameter Description Example
EventID This is your ID for referencing this event 1
ActionGroup This is the action group that is excecuted 1
PlayerID This is the ID of the player 1
WareID This is the ID of the ware 1
RequiredAmount The amount needed 100



Actions are actions that can be taken uppon events. Every action has an action group assigned as first parameter. This one is used as external ID which you can use for reference.

This function adds an army for any player. Please note that you have to provide valid player IDs and a valid combination of set armies.

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1
PlayerID This is the ID of the player this army is added for. Uses values from 1 (human) to 4 1
Rank This indicates weather the army has a melee division or not. Use 0 for no, 1 for yes 0
X X-Position the army should be added 5
Y Y-Position the army should be added 5

This function adds a building for any player. Please note that you have to provide valid player IDs and a valid value for the state.

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1
PlayerID This is the ID of the player this army is added for. Uses values from 1 (human) to 4 1
BuildingID This is the numeric ID for building, see reference for further information 3
State This indicates the state of the building. Any value < 0.0 results in 0.0, any value > 1.0 results in a a finished building 0.3
X X-Position the building should be added 5
Y Y-Position the building should be added 5

This function adds a wares for any player. Please note that you have to provide valid player IDs and a valid value for the ware.

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1
PlayerID This is the ID of the player this army is added for. Uses values from 1 (human) to 4 1
WareID This is the ID of the ware that should be added, see reference for further information 1
Amount This is the numeric amount of a ware that should be added 100

This function shows the lose window. It's not possible to continue the game after!

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1

This function shows the win window. It's possible to continue the game after.

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1

This function can be used to set an event state. You can either enable or disable an event. If an event state is actually changed, the ON_EVENTS_MET event is checked and possibly triggered!

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1
EventID This is the ID you set for the event 12
State This is the state the event should have. Use 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled 0

This function is used to toggle the Fog of War state.
Note: Enabling should be done in ON_LOAD_MAP only, disabling is always save

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1
FowState A value of 0 disables Fog of War, any other value enables it 1

This function changes the name of a player.

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1
PlayerID This is the ID of the player the name is changed. Uses values from 1 (human) to 4 2
Name This is the new name of the player. The enemy

This function sets the ware amount of the player ignoring any current stock.

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1
PlayerID This is the ID of the player the name is changed. Uses values from 1 (human) to 4 2
WareID This is the ID of the ware that should be added, see reference for further information 1
Amount This is the numeric amount of a ware that should be set 55

This function shows a text window to the player. It has 12 lines with up to 67 characters. If the window is to narrow, multiple pages will be shown. Linebreaking is done automatically, but you can also use " \n " (with leading and tailing spaces) to force a linebreak.

Parameter Description Example
ActionGroup This is your ID for referencing this group 1
Text This is the text that is shown I'm showing a nice text here, \n \n \n \n but I like 4 new lines as well!


Numeric values

The game uses numeric values for building IDs and for ware IDs which you can find in the following tables.

Ware IDs

Value Description
<1 Invalid!
1 Gold
2 Wood
3 Food
>3 Invalid!

Building IDs

Value Description
<0 Invalid!
0 HQ
11 Stable
>12 Invalid!

Player IDs

Value Description
<1 Invalid!
1 Human player
2 AI#1
3 AI#2
4 AI#3
>4 Invalid!


Value Description
<=0.0 Set to 0%
0.0 < n < 1.0 Percent of the building state
>=1.0 Set to done


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