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Cars – Wheels

Ilja Jusupov edited this page Jun 12, 2022 · 4 revisions

Some settings related to wheels.

Base tyre dimensions

By default CSP uses physics dimensions to estimate tyre size, but those don’t always match visuals. With these settings it’s possible to override those. Dimensions will be used, for example, by Skidmarks FX and Particles FX, so it’s a good idea to make sure they match.

All the parameters are optional, if not set, CSP would revert to guessed values.

[WHEEL_LF, WHEEL_RF, WHEEL_LR, WHEEL_RR]  ; use whatever tyres you need to configure
IS_OPEN = 0           ; Set to 1 if this wheel is not covered by something, very important for tyres smoke
TYRE_WIDTH = 0.3      ; Tyre width
TYRE_OFFSET = 0.035   ; Tyre offset
RIM_WIDTH = 0.24      ; Rim width
RIM_OFFSET = 0.05     ; Rim offset
; DEBUG = 1           ; Uncomment to show debug outlines, helps with calibrating dimensions

Skidmarks FX

ALPHA = 0.6, 0.9        ; Minimum and maximum alpha
COLOR_BASE = '#131419'  ; Base color
COLOR = '#131419'       ; Accent color

; Optionally, settings can be redefined for certain wheels:
TYRES = ST              ; If set, only applies to certain compounds (use short names here)
TYRES_FRONT = 1         ; If set, only applies to front wheels
TYRES_REAR = 1          ; If set, only applies to rear wheels
TYRES_LEFT = 1          ; If set, only applies to left wheels
TYRES_RIGHT = 1         ; If set, only applies to right wheels
ALPHA = 0.6, 0.9        ; Minimum and maximum alpha
COLOR_BASE = '#131419'  ; Base color
COLOR = '#131419'       ; Accent color

Tyres FX


Procedural normal textures


Shadowed wheels


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Unrelated to Custom Shaders Patch

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