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Tracks – Conditions

leBluem edited this page May 15, 2022 · 14 revisions

Some info on conditions (incomplete)

Default inputs:

  • TIME: time of day in seconds from 00:00 to 23:59.

  • SUN: sun angle in degress (0 for sun in zenith, 90 for sun at the horizon).

  • YEAR_PROGRESS: year progress from 0 to 1.

  • YEAR_DAY: day of the year from 1 to 365 (29 of Febuary is skipped, so you can bind certain dates after it without having to worry about it).

    If you need to bind a certain day, use lut:

    INPUT = YEAR_DAY     ; 184th day is 4th of July
    LUT = (| 1=0 | 184=0 | 185=1 | 186=0 | 356=0 |)
    INPUT = YEAR_DAY     ; hard winter cuts by day
    LUT = (|1=1|40=1|41=0|332=0|333=1|365=1|)
    INPUT = YEAR_PROGRESS    ; kinda winter fading
    LUT = (| 0=0.5 | 0.1=1 | 0.2=0 | 0.8=0 | 0.9=0.35 | 1=0.5 |)

    TODO: Add a better alternative to map certain values.

  • WEEK_DAY: day of the week from 1 to 7.

  • AMBIENT: ambient brightness multiplier, 1.0 at night, and very low like 0.01 at noon and clear sky (12:00am) (python function: ac.ext_getAmbientMult() )

  • FOG: fog intensity (TODO: check, might not work properly).

  • RAIN: rain intensity.


  • SPECTATORS: percentage of spectators on a track, from 0 to 1.

  • ONE: always returns 1.

  • HOLIDAY: type of current holiday for fireworks and other festive effects.

    Could be of three main types:

    • Global: trigger by system time, work everywhere;
    • Regional: trigger by system time according to region in Windows settings, in some regions might not trigger at all;
    • Track-based: trigger by time in-game if track is set to be in a certain region.

    Currently supported holidays:

    • 0: None;
    • 1: New year (global);
    • 2: Christmas (regional);
    • 3: Victory Day (regional);
    • 4: Independence Day (regional and track-based);
    • 5: Halloween (regional and track-based);
    • 6: Japan Fireworks Festival (regional and track-based);
    • 7: Chinese New Year (regional and track-based);
    • 8: Eid Al Adha (regional and track-based);
    • 9: Guy Fawkes Night (regional and track-based).

    Japan Fireworks Festival takes time in August, by default from 1st to 3rd of August. To change dates according to track’s prefecture, use [PARTICLES_FX] JAPAN_AUGUST_FESTIVALS_INTERVAL = 1, 3 (default values).

    Let me know if there are other holidays you would want to see.

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