Homepage: http://soulworkerhq.com
No PRs, we are using Transifex to translate, please contact Miyu#9404 on Discord if you are interested in contributing. Join requests without prior messaging will be ignored.
- If a translation exists already for that line, ask about it on Discord or add a suggestion to the line.
- ONLY translate Japanese text, which means to keep the following:
- Do NOT remove any parameters (ex. {0}, {1}), in those come Character Names, Areas, etc...
- Keep "\n", they represent a Line Feed (new line) in game.
- Do NOT edit the lines starting with "ID=" and do NOT translate them.
- Do NOT edit the HTML code (there are a some lines that use HTML for coloring) unless you know what are you doing.
- Use ASCII (English) commas, dots, exclamation/question marks, etc...
- Keep Japanese the onomatopoeia and Japanese honorifics in translations (ex. Auauau, Onee-chan).
- everyone from discord chat
- all translators, staff and contributors
- WRS/x1nixmzeng for helping a lot with extracting the initial data, check him out and give him some "Thanks"