Releases: lge-ros2/cloisim_ros
- Fix minor bugs
- Modify update logs
- Refactoring for each packages related to camera
- Update package.xml for each ros node package to support rosdep installation
- Update Docker file
- Update package.xml for each ros node package to support rosdep installation
- Update Docker file
Change Control message in micom driver sim
left/right wheel velocity -> linear/angular velocity
can switch by define value (ENABLE_TR_VELOCITY)
Change Control message in micom driver sim
- left/right wheel velocity -> linear/angular velocity
- can switch by define value (ENABLE_TR_VELOCITY)
Remove odometry calculation funciton in micom_driver_sim
it moved to CLOiSim(Simulator)
sim_bridge re-connection problem is resolved.
just let sim_device run even if CLOiSim is terminated. it will re-connect the simulator when CLOiSim is ready to run
add protection code when parsing information data from CLOiSim
Remove odometry calculation funciton in micom_driver_sim
- it moved to CLOiSim(Simulator)
sim_bridge re-connection problem is resolved.
- just let sim_device run even if CLOiSim is terminated. it will re-connect the simulator when CLOiSim is ready to run
add protection code when parsing information data from CLOiSim
Separate driver_sim and driver_sim_interfaces(protobuf message)
change micom protobuf message
Separate driver_sim and driver_sim_interfaces(protobuf message)
change micom protobuf message
Modify logging print
Reduce log print for UpdateOdom() in Micom Driver Sim
Change package name
- simdevice_bringup -> sim_device_bringup
add static tf2 for Realsense base link …
- Code refactoring for StaticTf and Tf2 in DriverSim
- add argument 'node_name' in driver sim Constructor
Fix project name in CMakeLists.txt
Add Depth scaling for depth data from Realsense Device
- Add new encoding type for image
- Add new interface to get paramters for realsense
Update Dockerfile
Code refactoring for request/reply message patter
- RequestReply() function added in SimBridge
- RequestReplyMessage() function added in DriverSim
bug fix in driver_sim helper …
- wrong encoding type for sensor image
Update RealsenseDriverSim code
- change topic name
- change TF frame id
Modify Realsense Driver Sim code
- converting data order to little-endian for TYPE16SC1(16bits float) TYPE32FC1(32bits)
Update version of each packages
Change topic name and frame id in TF for realsense driver sim