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Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Sep 18, 2016 · 3 revisions

Returns the NASA Atronomy Picture of the Day.

Command Description
!apod Returns the Astronomy Picture of the Day.
!apodhd Returns the Astronomy Picture of the Day in High Definition.
!apodtext Returns the explanation of the Astronomy Picture of the Day.
!apod [date] Returns the Astronomy Picture of the Day for the date.
!apodhd [date] Returns the Astronomy Picture of the Day for the date in High Definition.
!apodtext [date] Returns the explanation of the Astronomy Picture of the Day for the date.

date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

!apodtext 2003-02-01

APOD plugin need NASA API from NASA.

  • Get the key from
  • Add the key by manually editing config.lua or by issuing !setapikey nasa_api [nasa_api_key] command.