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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Know your id or the id of a chat members.

Command Description
!id Return your ID and the chat id if you are in one. If you type !id when replying, it will return id of the replied user.
!ids chat Return the IDs of the current chat members.
!id chat txt Return the IDs of the current chat members and send it into group chat as a text file.
!id chat pm Return the IDs of the current chat members and send it to private message.
!id chat pmtxt Return the IDs of the current chat members, save it as a text file and then send it to private message.
!id <@username> Return the member @username ID from the current chat.
!id <text> Search for users with text on first_name, print_name or @username on current chat.