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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Sep 18, 2016 · 6 revisions

Returns results from Bing safe search.
5 results if in chat group and 8 results if by private message.

Command Description
!bing [query], !b [query] Safe searches Bing and send results.
!bing, !b When typed in reply, will safe searches Bing and send results. The query is the text in the replied message.
!bingnsfw [query], !bnsfw [query] Searches Bing and send results (include NSFW).
!bingnsfw [query], !bnsfw [query] When typed in reply, will searches Bing and send results (include NSFW). The query is the text in the replied message.

!b merbot telegram bot

Bing plugin need Bing Search API from Microsoft.