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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 4 revisions

Reports chat as a spam chat or as not a spam chat.

changeChatReportSpamState(chat_id, is_spam_chat)

Can be used only if ChatReportSpamState.can_report_spam is true.
After this request ChatReportSpamState.can_report_spam became false forever.

Option Description
chat_id Chat identifier.
is_spam_chat If true, chat will be reported as a spam chat, otherwise it will be marked as not a spam chat.


  • Reports 1234567890 as a spam chat.

    changeChatReportSpamState(1234567890, 1)
  • Reports 1234567890 as not a spam chat.

    changeChatReportSpamState(1234567890, 0)

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