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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 4 revisions

Returns full information about a group by its identifier.

Option Description
group_id Group identifier.


Returns full information about group 133762008.



  ID = "GroupFull",
  creator_user_id_ = 123456789,
  group_ = {
    ID = "Group",
    anyone_can_edit_ = false,
    id_ = 133762008,
    is_active_ = true,
    member_count_ = 5,
    migrated_to_channel_id_ = 0,
    status_ = {
      ID = "ChatMemberStatusCreator"
  invite_link_ = "",
  members_ = {
      -- REDACTED --
      -- REDACTED --
      -- REDACTED --
      -- REDACTED --
    [0] = {
      ID = "ChatMember",
      bot_info_ = {
        ID = "BotInfo",
        commands_ = {
          [0] = {
            ID = "BotCommand",
            command_ = "help",
            description_ = "View the help message (in private)"
        description_ = "Saya adalah bot Telegram sederhana yang serbaguna. Selain memiliki banyak plugins untuk membantu menghidupkan percakapan dalam grup, jika dijadikan sebagai administrator supergroup, saya bisa membantu menjaganya."
      inviter_user_id_ = 123456789,
      join_date_ = 1492575869,
      status_ = {
        ID = "ChatMemberStatusMember"
      user_id_ = 345829823

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