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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Dec 8, 2016 · 3 revisions

Changes user's phone number and sends authentication code to the new user's phone number.

changePhoneNumber(phone_number, allow_flash_call, is_current_phone_number)

Returns authStateWaitCode with information about sent code on success.

Option Description
phone_number New user's phone number in any reasonable format.
allow_flash_call Pass true, if code can be sent via flash call to the specified phone number.
is_current_phone_number Pass true, if the phone number is used on the current device. Ignored if allow_flash_call is false.


Change phone number to 62123456789090 (+62 is country code) which is not currently logged in account phone number. Do not allow flash call, only send code via SMS or telegram message.

changePhoneNumber(62123456789090, 0, 0)

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